Chapter 26 He was undoubtedly handsome

On his way, Caihong felt a sharp scream which seemed to have come from the dungeon and he ran as fast as he could. Kicking the door open, the sight in front of him rendered him speechless. He caught sight of two guards standing as the other one was naked and was forcefully prying Li Fei's legs open as she was screaming and fighting with all her might.

He hurriedly pushed the two guards out of the way and ran to the other one who was abusing Li Fei. He gave him one blow in the face which was enough to make him fall off her. Raged, he straddled him and punched him several times as he was bleeding from almost every opening of his face. The moment the guard left her, Li Fei hurriedly crawled and sat in a corner as she attempted to cover her body with the ragged uniform. She was trembling with tears splitting from her eyes. She was nearly raped. It was such a horrible experience.

The other two guards looked at themselves not knowing what to do. The man was not only a doctor but also the Warden's nephew and there was no way they could hit him. They decided to run and inform the head guard who had given them the job.

A while later, the head guard arrived and instructed the guards to stop Caihong from hitting the man. The man was saved and he instantly wore back his boxers and trousers. "Get out of here!!" Caihong yelled at them and they left the dungeon leaving the head guard behind. "What is your problem? How could you wish this to happen to a fellow woman?" he asked looking at her with absolute disgust.

"How would I know that they were planning on doing this? This commonly happens to prisoners and sometimes we have no control over it, like in this case. And perhaps, she might have seduced them thinking that they could free her from the dungeon," she said. Glaring at her, he asked her to leave, which she reluctantly did. He slowly approached Li Fei who had curled herself in a corner and when he attempted to touch her, she screamed and he understood that she must be still traumatized. He called two female nurses and asked them to come with wrappers who arrived shortly. When they approached her, she didn't give off much resistance and they wrapped the pieces of clothes around her before escorting her out of the dungeon.

On reaching the health care, Caihong immediately ordered them to give her a sedative so that she falls asleep. He believed that by the time she wakes up, she might be less traumatized. When she fell asleep, he left to his uncle's office.

"Shi Ming is saying that the girl has been persuading the prisoners to riot. On top of that, she was found with a phone," said Tang Hu. "I gave her the phone. You stopped her from seeing me and I realized that the safest way for us to communicate was through the phone. Shi Ming is definitely faking everything about the rioting. She's just looking for a valid reason to justify what she did," he said. "Caihong, you're caring way too much for the girl. It's not right," said Tang Hu. "What is not right is the way you treat her just because a powerful person said so."


Li Fei didn't wake up until the next morning. The moment she opened her eyes, her mind recalled the events of yesterday and her heart shuddered. She sat up and looked at the fellow prisoners that shared the same room as her. She then heard a woman screaming in the next room and she wondered what

might have happened to her. Later, she heard a cry of a new born baby and it then dawned on her that the woman has been giving birth. Her heart ached for the new born baby who was going to be separated from the mother.

She left her bed and walked towards Caihong's office. Knocking, she opened the door and found him leaning his head on his seat with eyes closed. He seemed to have slept in that position. Calling his name, he opened his eyes and he saw her. "You're here? How are you?" he asked immediately.

"I'm okay. You look to be tired," she said. "I will be okay. How did you sleep?" he asked.

"It was okay. I want to thank you for yesterday honestly, if you hadn't come to save me then those men would have taken advantage of me," she said the last line in a whisper. "You shouldn't thank me Li Fei. I did what every person was supposed to do. Have you been given breakfast yet?" he asked. After having something for breakfast, she left to find the state in which Liling was.

Luckily, Liling had spent only a day in solitary confinement although she had some bruises.

"I'm so sorry that this happened because of me. You shouldn't have spoken to her in that way," said Li Fei as she examined her bruises. "These are minor compared to what you went through. Caihong came to your rescue once again. I'm so thankful to him," Liling said.

A week later on one evening, Li Fei and Liling were in the entertainment room watching a soap opera. When it came to an end, the two prepared to leave when a live stream program showcased on Television and when Liling saw who was on screen, she exclaimed," Li Fei!! You said you didn't know how Jin Liwei looks like. There he is!!"

Li Fei hurriedly looked at the screen and she was surprised at what she saw. She had always heard that Jin Liwei was a handsome man but never had she expected him to look like that given his personality. He had a pair of deep and penetrating almond shaped eyes. His slightly dishevelled jet black hair hid his thick brows as his thick and long eye lashes casted a shadow over his eyes. He was undoubtedly handsome and though he looked to be young, he had a mature and steady deposition. His aura was imposing and imperial.

By the looks of it, the Jin group of industries was unveiling a new project since the company specialised in constructing a number of hotel chains. Him being the CEO, he was briefing the public about the project.