Chapter 43 The nerve of the girl

She sat on the comfortable bed her legs on the floor as her eyes scanned the room. A while later, she stood up and went to the bathroom then on coming back, she checked the closet and found only shirts in there.

Feeling the scent in the closet, she noted that the clothes belonged to Jin Liwei.

She searched for something she could be comfortable to sleep in, and her hands landed on a white T-shirt. She removed her clothes and wore the T-shirt before getting in bed. She just hoped he wouldn't know that she had worn his shirt.

Li Fei suddenly woke up very thirsty and she checked the time to see that it was one. She knew that if Jin Liwei was in the penthouse, he must be sleeping by now. She got up and walked towards the door to find the kitchen she had seen. The house had dim lights which made it easy for her to walk around without the need to switch on the main lights. She walked to the kitchen and drank some water. After, she left the kitchen to head back to the room but as she looked around, her eyes caught sight of Jin Liwei who was sitting on a sofa at the extreme end of the living room and she internally gasped.

He was smoking as he watched her. She wondered if he was there by the time she came because she hadn't seen him. They both stared at each other as he smoked and she wondered if he didn't care about his health. It was just a week ago when he recovered from an illness. Basing on the way he looked at her right now, she knew that he didn't want to be bothered and she decided to head back to the room and sleep.

Jin Liwei had been sitting there and he had seen her since the moment she left the room to the kitchen. She was dressed in his T-shirt and he couldn't believe the nerve of the girl. The shirt was big but short on her, stopping right below her butt, leaving her thighs and legs exposed.

Even though the lights were dim, he could perfectly see that she had some curves and flawless skin. He was a man, just like any other person and he couldn't stop the dirty thoughts that crossed his mind. It made it worse when she came and stood in front of him. When she left, he stood up and went to his room before he could do something he will regret the next day.

In the morning, Li Fei woke up and got back in her clothes. Leaving the room, she came to the living room and found Wang Mel waiting for her. "Good morning. It's good to see that you're awake," he said. "Good morning. You would have woken me up,"she said. "I had to wait for you. Shall we leave?" She nodded and they left. He excused himself and left quickly because he had a lot of pending issues to deal with.

Yun Shi who was coming from the CEO'S office to deliver some documents caught sight of Li Fei who was descending the stairs that only led to the CEO'S penthouse. No one apart from Wang Mel dared to come close to those stairs. Her eyes widened in shock when she noticed that she was in the same clothes as yesterday.

She quickly ran and called her," Li Fei!!" On hearing her name being called, Li Fei turned to see Yun Shi coming to where she was. "You spent the night at the penthouse?!!! You're sleeping with the CEO?!!" exclaimed Yun Shi and Li Fei's eyes widened in shock before saying," Keep your voice low!! No, I'm not sleeping with the Boss!" Yun Shi's eyes narrowed before saying," Don't dare lie to me! These were the same clothes you had yesterday." "Yes, they are the ones. I slept at the penthouse because it was heavily raining and I couldn't get back home. Please don't go on speaking false things," she said. She looked at her suspiciously and said," And why would he allow you to sleep at the penthouse? No one except the Boss's Assistant is allowed there." "Listen, I'm not sleeping with the Boss and that's it. Excuse me," said Li Fei before leaving to get inside the elevator so that she goes home to change her clothes.

Yun Shi remained behind raged. She has been obsessed in love with the CEO and all she could do was to fantasize about him for all this time. But now, she wasn't going to allow anyone else to snatch him away again. She had been so lucky that his wife had died soon. She realized that she had to do something real quick before this girl gets in her way.

In the afternoon as Li Fei was looking into some documents, she was notified that she had a visitor. Surprised, she stood up and went to the reception on the ground floor only to find Caihong who was waiting with flowers and a gift bag.

Hugging him, she said," What a surprise! I honestly didn't expect you at all." Parting with her, he looked at her and said," You look beautiful. How have you been?" " Thank you. I've been alright. Let's go outside," she said and they left the reception.

They walked towards the gardens and found a seat. "I came to Shanghai yesterday for some business matters and I decided to surprise you with a visit." "I'm indeed surprised. How are you?" she asked. "I'm alright. Let me hope I didn't interrupt you at work?" she asked. "Not at all. I'm happy you spared sometime for me," she said.

For more than an hour, the two discussed about several things until Caihong decided to leave. Leaving the gardens hand in hand, Caihong gave the flowers and gift bag to her. Thanking him, she hugged him to wish him a safe trip and he left.

Inside the black Audi that had been parked not far, Jing Yue asked," Is he the boyfriend?" "I don't know and I don't care!" Jin Liwei said immediately. "Come on that was just a question. Wait, don't tell me that you're jealous," he teased and Jin Liwei glared at him before opening the door and left the car. Jing Yue chuckled and left the car to walk up to him.