Chapter 56 Most shocking discovery

When she looked at him, she remembered that today was a Monday and she exclaimed," I'm late for work! Today is Monday!" "Don't worry. You have a day off today," he said much to her relief. "Thank you so much." "I will be expecting you to join me for breakfast shortly," he said before leaving. She nodded and went to bath and after, she changed into the same clothes she had slept in.

Jing Yue was disrupted the moment he watched her coming to the dining room in a shirt and boxer shorts with her legs and thighs exposed. Did she think he was saint? He was a man for God's sake! After breakfast, she was back in her dress and Jing Yue took her back to her house.


A week later...

On the weekend, Li Fei decided to go spend sometime in the swimming pool since she had nothing to do. She wore her costume before wrapping a shawl around her body and walked heading at the back of the house. Reaching the pool, she looked around to confirm that nobody was watching and she removed the shawl. Walking to the shallow side, she sat at the edge with her legs in the water and later, she slid in the water. Unbeknownst to her, someone was watching.

Jin Liwei who was leaning against the wall looking outside his bedroom window decided to leave the spot when he caught sight of Li Fei heading towards the pool and he stayed to watch her. His throat went dry when she removed the shawl revealing her spotless skin in the sky blue bikini. Her voluptuous curves were exposed and he noticed that she had gained a little weight but in the right places. He looked around to ensure that no one else was seeing her in that state but only him. He watched her walking to the shallow part of the water and she sat down before diving in. He stared at her unblinkingly as if he had found his amusement.

Li Fei swam for some time without resting. She has always liked swimming, one of her hobbies. Exhausted, she decided to take a rest and leaned against the edge slowing catching her breath. As she was still resting, her mind thought of something and her eyes widened. She quickly got out of the pool and wrapped the shawl around her dripping body before running away.

It made Jin Liwei wonder what made her leave in a hurry and he became curious. A while later, he stepped outside his room and found Yin Chen arranging food the table. "Where's Ms Li Fei?" he questioned her. "She stepped out for a moment Young Master. She said she's coming back. I will be sure to inform her that you're looking for her the moment she comes back," she said. Stepped out for a moment? What could be that urgent? he asked himself. "No, don't tell her. Just inform me if she's not yet back in an hour," he said before leaving.

Did she go to meet a man? The crazy doctor or her weak fiancee? Jealousy coursed through his veins. He was going to go look for her wherever she was if she doesn't come back in an hour.

Luckily in thirty minutes, Li Fei was back at the house and she rushed to her room. "You have to do this, Li Fei," she whispered to herself.

Li Fei felt blood drained from her body the moment she looked at the positive pregnancy test in her hands. She also felt her heart pounding in her chest. There is no way she could be pregnant. Earlier when she was in the pool, she remembered that she was late on her period and also, she had been feeling dizzy these past days then she decided to run out and get pregnancy tests so as to remove her doubt. But when she did the test, she got the most shocking discovery of her life.

"No, no, no. This cannot be true," she mumbled to herself as she tore the other three strips to retake the test again. She felt her whole body trembling as she waited for the required time.

Taking a deep breath, she removed them one by one and on looking, all of them read the same thing, positive. Her eyes were filled with tears. There was no way she was having this child because Jin Liwei just used her on the influence of the drug. She also believed that for one to have a child, it had to be made out of love and not any other thing. She didn't know what she was going to do next. She was sure of one thing though, that she was not going to tell Jin Liwei about anything.

Before she could think of a solution, the door was opened and she was startled which made her drop one strip on the floor. Yin Chen saw it before she quickly picked it up. "Are you okay?" she asked after seeing her tear stained cheeks. "Yes, yes I'm fine," she replied immediately. "Okay. The Young Master needs you in his room," she said and Li Fei nodded. When she left, she cleaned all the traces of tears in her face to hide her distress. She wasn't going to let him find anything strange about her.

On reaching his room, she found him busy working on something on the laptop. His eyes left the laptop and looked at her scrutinizing her from head to toe. He noticed that she looked pale and also her eyes were red which indicated that she was from crying.

Standing up, he walked to where she was and he asked," Are you okay?" "Yes, Mr Jin Liwei. I'm okay," she said. He wasn't convinced with her statement and he said You're from crying. Why?" "I banged my knee on the bed that's why," she said but of course he didn't believe her. "Okay. I wanted to inform you that we are going to my parent's house next weekend. I don't know why they have insisted on meeting you," he said and she could only nod. She had much problems to deal with and she wanted to leave his room as soon as possible.