Chapter 63 Trial boyfriend

Yin Chen was quick to close the door behind her and she looked at Jin Liwei before saying," Young Master, welcome back. I beg you not to go in."

He frowned and asked," Why's that?" "She's not feeling well and as a woman I understand when she needs to be alone," she said. He then asked," Should we call a doctor?" "No need Young Master. I will take care of her," she said and hesitantly, Jin Liwei turned to go to his room. It was so unfortunate because during his way back home, he had decided to talk to her about something so important but it seems like it was to be done some other time.


On one evening, Liling was from speaking with Li Fei asking her about the condition she was in.

It had been two weeks ever since she had an abortion and during the time, she had stayed home. After confirming that she was doing okay, she stood up to take some documents to the CEO'S office and also inform him that she was leaving.

"Boss, I would like to inform you that I'm leaving for home," she said as he was reading the papers. He placed them on the table and stood up to say," You are leaving."

She watched him walk to where she stood and in no minute, he carried to make her sit on the table and before she could understand a thing, he parted her legs and stood between them. "Jing Yue! What are you doing?" she asked her face red. "You're always pretending not to notice my advances. Tell me, am I not doing enough?" he asked looking at her.

"Am not understanding what you're saying," she replied looking down.

He placed his fingers below her chin and raised her head to make her look at him before saying," Okay, then." In no time, he pressed his lips onto hers kissing her gently. He kissed one lip at a time before capturing them both savoring the feeling of owning her.

Liling felt her toes curl as the effect of the kiss which intensified with every passing second. He put her bottom lip between his teeth and bit it to make her wince and his tongue entered her mouth. It tasted every corner of her mouth until it nearly reached her throat. By the time he released her, she was gasping for air and he was in the same state. She tasted so sweet that he couldn't let go that easily. When he saw her stabilize, he came to capture her lips once again but she was quick on pushing him away.

Jumping off the table, she fled from his office.

When Liling reached her house, she couldn't believe that Jing Yue had kissed her and for that long. If not for the slight wound he had inflicted on her bottom lip, she would have thought that she was hallucinating. She wondered what he had been thinking by doing that. What if someone came in and saw them? How were things going to be between them at work from tomorrow?

Hurriedly, she had a bath and entered her bed. She wasn't in the mood for cooking or eating anything tonight. A while later, she failed to sleep because every time she closed her eyes, her mind would wander off to the kiss. She kept on turning in the bed until she admitted that she wasn't going to sleep any time soon.

She got her phone and went to her WeChat when she received a message from Jing Yue.

'Coward,' it read. Did he just call her a coward? What did he expect her to do when he completely caught her off guard? Suddenly, she remembered the toe curling kiss he gave her and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. 'Will you stop thinking about me?' another message popped up and her eyes widened. How did he find out? She wrote,' Why did you do that?' 'What?' he asked feigning ignorance. 'What you did in your office,' she wrote. 'Say it,' he sent.

'Okay I will sleep now,' she sent. 'I wanted to do it. I have actually wanted to do it ever since the first time I saw you,' she read and a small smile subconsciously appeared on her lips. 'That means you have a naughty brain Mr Jing Yue,' she wrote. 'You can say so, especially when it comes to you. Do you want to know what else I think about?' he sent and she immediately replied,' No thank you, I'm good.'

'How boring,' he sent and before she could reply, she got another message,' Liling, I like you.' After reading the message, she felt her heart pound in her chest. Another message popped up,' I know you feel the same way. Give us a chance, will you?' The nerve of this man! She wrote,' You thought wrongly Jing Yue. I don't feel the same way.'

'Liar. Do you think I don't see the way you look at me and the way you eavesdrop on my conversations whenever I get a female client in my office?' She couldn't believe that he had been seeing her doing all this. 'I'm not ready for a relationship,' she decided to say. 'Why? You will never know if you're ready unless you try,' she read. Still thinking about it, another message popped up,' Okay. Let's do this. I will be your temporary boyfriend for two weeks and after that, you will make a final decision whether I'm worthy or not.'

'You mean to be a trial boyfriend for two weeks?' she asked. The idea seemed to be interesting. 'Exactly. Please say yes,' he sent. After much thought, she wrote,' Okay. But it should be a secret.'

'Okay. I will keep it a secret at least during the trial period,' he sent and soon, he called her. She picked up and asked," Why did you call?" "To listen to your sweet voice and also to wish my girlfriend a good night," he said. "But I'm not yet your girlfriend. We are still in a trial period," she said. "I know and I'm sure that soon I will be your boyfriend because my charm is irresistible," he said and she rolled her eyes before saying," I want to sleep right now."

"Okay sweet dreams. I hope I'm in them tonight," he said and she hang up.