Chapter 67 Let her go then

She had come to tell her about Jing Yue but she seemed so distant. Liling decided to leave for now, maybe they will talk when she's less busy.


"It's been long since we last spoke. How are you doing?" asked Jing Yue. "I've been doing well," Jin Liwei answered his eyes fixated on the chess board. He continued to say," You look happy." "Indeed I am," answered Jing Yue shifting his piece. "Tell me," Jin Liwei said. "Things are going according to plan," he said and Jin Liwei looked at him questioningly. "I'm dating," he said. "Congratulations. Is she the one I know?" he asked and Jing Yue nodded. "Well, I'm glad. You're happy after so long," Jin Liwei told him.

A while later, Jing Yue won and he commented," Your mind was elsewhere. Tell me what's bothering you?" "Nothing," said Jin Liwei. "Liar," he said.

A while later, Jing Yue asked," Is it about her? Li Fei?" "What about her?" he asked back.

"You are hiding something about her," he answered before continuing," Spit it out."

After a while, he said," Honestly, I don't know what's happening." Jing Yue's interest increased and he said," Explain." "I don't know what's me. I've been having these weird thoughts," he said and Jing Yue asked," About her?" He slightly nodded and said," I've been thinking about her quite a lot these past days and sometimes I regret the things I did to her. It gets me worried that one day she will be leaving my house, my life because I can't lock her up forever."

Jing Yue analysed the information and asked," Have you ever thought of letting her go? Because one day, she will fall in love and she will want to date, get married and have kids," he said. "Honestly I've never thought of that. Not that I want to," he said. "Jin, you realize that you're falling in love with her? If you ain't already," he said. "That is not possible," he immediately said. "What is it then? It's clear that you don't want to lose her to anyone else."

When he didn't reply, Jing Yue said," Do you ever picture her with another man, kissing and making- "

"Will you stop?" he interrupted not letting him complete his words. "That is called jealousy and there's no way it can happen if you don't have feelings for someone," he said and Jin Liwei didn't fail to catch on the excitement in his voice. "It can't happen. We two can never be together," he said. "Is it because of the accident? Maybe that happened for a reason so that the two of you could meet that way," he said. "It could also be a way to show us that we could never be together," he said. "Okay. Let her go then," Jing Yue proposed. "I will think about it," he replied and his hands reached out for a drink.

As Li Fei was in the cab, she was being followed by Liu Han herself. She wanted to find out where she stays because she believed that yesterday, she had only gone to visit her lover.

Sitting in the car, Li Fei's mind was elsewhere. The thing with Caihong and Liling had stressed her so much and right now, Liling was giving her multiple calls. Li Fei wondered how Liling was able to look at her with sincerity in her eyes as if she hadn't betrayed her. She suddenly remembered how Jin Liwei took care of her wound yesterday night. He held her so gently as if she was a glass that would break any minute. She didn't even notice when they reached home.

Liu Han watched Li Fei enter the same residence she was told by her spy and she got surprised. Could it be possible that Li Fei stays here? Because, yesterday night her spy waited for her to leave the place but she never came out and today, she has come to the same place. She had to accept that this is where she lives at the moment.

The question was with whom she lives with.

As Li Fei came out of the bathroom, she found her phone ringing and it was her mother calling.

"Li Fei, why are you hiding things from us?"

Confused, she asked," What are you talking about Mom?" "Why didn't you tell us that you are living at that heartless man's house Li Fei?" she asked. "Where did you get that from, Mom?" she asked surprised. "It doesn't matter Li Fei! You're being used and abused by that man almost everyday and you kept it to yourself just because you wanted to give us back the house and the company," she said.

Taking a deep breath, Li Fei said," Mom, will you please tell me who told you that first?"

"Your friend. The doctor you introduced to us last time. He was here. He is really so concerned about you." She couldn't believe that Caihong went as far as doing that. Just what did he want from her? "Mother, please listen to me. I admit that I stayed with him for sometime but I moved out. I now stay with... Liling. You remember her, don't you?"

"Yes I do. In that case, send me your address. I will come over next week," she said. If she didn't have problems with Liling, she would have sent her the address but it wasn't the case. "Mom, I will be the one to come. Give me a moment to finish some stuff," she said. "For how long should I wait for you?"

"Three weeks at most, Mom," she replied. "Okay. Make it quick Li Fei. I haven't told your Dad yet because I don't want his health to deteriorate," she said.

After speaking to her Mom, she immediately called Caihong. "You're such a tattletale. Why did you tell my mother that I stay at Mr Jin Liwei's house?" she asked fuming. "I wanted to let them know that he was a terrible man," he stated. "You are no better and you are even worse. How I hate you Caihong," she said but her door opened revealing Yin Chen and she hang up.