Chapter 75 Kidnapped

Li Fei could see the way the woman glared at her with hatred in her eyes. "I...I will take my leave now," she said and turned to leave the place when the woman growled" Where do you think you're going?" Turning her eyes to look at Yin Chen, she asked, "What is she doing here?" Yin Chen didn't know what to say. " She was brought here by the Young Master," was all she could. "He decided to marry her?!! The same person who killed my daughter, his wife?!! In the same house where they both used to live?! Wait... could it be that they were lovers before my daughter's death and the two conspired to kill her?!!" the woman lashed out and Li Fei looked at her in disbelief. Was that the way a mother in law should speak about her son in law?

Yin Chen who was also feeling the same way, later said," Mrs Chen, I highly respect you and it's probably why I won't tell those words to the Young Master but let it be the last time you speak about him like this especially in my presence."

"Or else what?! What are you going to do?! What wrong have I said?! He married this murderer!" she said as she charged towards Li Fei and when she reached her, she slapped her hard as she shouted," You're so shameless! You must be happy that you killed her since you took her place!" Yin Chen came to help but the woman's hold on Li Fei was too tight. She pulled her hair and Li Fei could only cry in pain.

A while later, Cheng Lin came and got hold of his wife separating her from Li Fei.

Just then, security entered the house after hearing noises and she was asked to leave peacefully because she could no longer be handled. "You didn't serve your punishment because you're from a wealthy family but let me tell you that you won't live in peace!!" she shouted as she was escorted outside.

Cheng Lin who had remained behind said," We had come to see how Mr Jin Liwei was doing but what we found shocked us. Marrying again is very okay because he has to move on but marrying her only raises suspicions.

I'm sorry for what my wife did. Have a nice day." Before Yin Chen could explain anything, he turned and left. "Are you okay?" she asked the moment he left. Li Fei nodded before saying," Yes I'm okay." "No you're not. Your eye is swollen, I think she scratched it. Stay here, I will get you some ice."

"I'm so sorry for what she did to you," said Yin Chen as she pressed the ice on her swollen eye and wounded lip. "It's okay. This is nothing to what I went through in prison," she said.

After, Yin Chen called Jin Liwei and informed him about what happened. "Is she alright?" he asked. "Yes, she just got a few scratches," she replied. "Okay. I will take care of it."


Time flew and finally, four days had passed. Li Fei was seated in a cab going back home when they got stuck in traffic. She got her phone and started chatting on WeChat so as to pass time. With her concentration being on phone, she didn't notice when the door opened and someone got in. She was startled when she saw a person sit with her at the back and on looking, it was Caihong. "You! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed. At that moment, the cars started moving and he replied," I came for you of course. Haven't you missed me?"

"You're crazy! Driver, park the car this instant," she said but he didn't listen. Was he working for him? "No one is going to come to your aid. Let me put you to sleep," said Caihong and he fetched for a handkerchief from his pocket. When she saw it, she knew what it was and she immediately pushed herself to the extreme end and looking through the mirror, she shouted," No, Please help me!!" He pulled her back and placed the kerchief on her nose and slowly, she felt consciousness slipping away and soon, she succumbed to darkness. Caihong got her handbag and threw it outside the window but he forgot about her phone that had fallen down.


When it clocked ten, Yin Chen began to feel worried that Li Fei wasn't home yet. Even though there was traffic, the most she had ever been late was nine. She decided to wait for thirty minutes and if she doesn't appear, she was going to call the Young Master.

Thirty minutes later, she called him. Perhaps she slept at the penthouse just like the other time.

"Young Master, is Li Fei staying over at the penthouse?" she asked. "Why?" he asked back. "She isn't home yet and it has never happened," she said. He took long to reply and later, he said," I will see what I can do. Keep waiting for her." After hanging up, he turned on the GPS tracker but he couldn't get hold of her location probably because the phone was off. He immediately stood up from his seat and grabbed his coat before leaving his office.

Shortly, he was home and the first thing he did was to check her room. Could she have decided to run away? But he doubted it would be the case because she would have attempted to do it long ago. He realized that all her things were in place and he immediately understood that something was wrong. She could have been kidnapped. By who, he was yet to find out.

He left the house and got inside the car driving to Jing's house.

"I think she was kidnapped," he told Jing Yue.

"Who do you think would have done it?" he asked. "I suspect someone but let's first go to her friend's house," said Jin Liwei and with that, they made their way to Liling's place.

Liling was sleeping when her phone rang continuously and it forced her to wake up. Seeing that it was Jing Yue, she frowned and picked up. "We talked before I went to sleep. What is it?" she asked weakly. "I'm at your house. Come and open the door," he said and she immediately sat up. "We never agreed that you're sleeping over," she said surprised.