Chapter 79 Pretended to have accepted him

Looking at the city lights, Jin Liwei couldn't contain his frustration. He had decided to come over at the penthouse because he needed to be alone. It had turned dark and yet, he hadn't been able to find her. She was going to spend the second night once again in the hands of that man and God only knows what he might be doing to her. He hated it when he wasn't in control. Failure wasn't his thing. He always got what he wanted and failing to get her right now was driving him insane. He passed his hands through his thick hair ruffling it and he released a sigh.

He couldn't imagine what he was going to do to that man. Looking at the many lights, he asked," Where are you? Just where are you Li Fei?"

His phone rang and he immediately checked it hoping it to be the hacker but it was Jing Yue. Disappointedly, he picked it up. "How are you doing, Jin?" he asked. "I'm...I will be fine," he replied. "Have you gotten anything?" he asked once again. "Not yet unfortunately," he answered. "Don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything," he said. "I know," he answered.


After receiving bad news from everyone, Caihong came back in the house spiritless and he laid besides Li Fei on the mattress without saying anything. Later, he pulled her close to him and she felt her body become stiff the moment he put his hand on her waist and later, she felt him breath steadily which meant that he was sleeping. She felt relieved that she had survived him again tonight and she wondered if she will be this lucky everyday.

Li Fei suddenly thought of something. If she pretended to have accepted him then maybe he will trust her. She could then find a way to escape from this place.

In the morning when she woke up, Caihong wasn't around and her eyes looked around until they caught sight of a screwdriver that was on the table. It could be of use if she landed on it. When he brought breakfast, she ate it all and he was pleased. "It seems like you're finally becoming a good girl princess," he said and she looked at him before saying," I-I finally got to know what's best for me."

"What do you mean?" he asked. "That I decided to give us a chance. I am tired of sacrificing my happiness for the sake of others," she said carefully studying him. "Are you serious about what you're saying?" he asked not wanting to easily believe her. "Yes. When Mr Jin Liwei took me to his house, he warned that if I ever think of escaping, he will hurt my family. I decided to stay but now I realize that life is too short to be wasted. Let's go far away and create our own family," she said. Caihong tried to stop the smile that was forming on his lips and he asked," How should I believe you?"

"With time you will. I only need us to take things slowly. I have been hiding my feelings for you for so long," she said and coming close to where she was, he asked," Are you sure?" When she nodded, he cupped her face and kissed her on the lips. A while later, she slowly turned her head away and said," Like I said Caihong, we should take things slowly."

"As you wish my princess. I'm so happy that you have considered my proposal. I will make you the happiest woman on earth," he happily said and she couldn't miss to catch the excitement in his voice. "Thank you too," she could only say.

When it reached lunch time, he brought the food and as he was feeding her, she said," Caihong, why don't you untie me?" "There's no problem in me feeding you. Infact I like it," he said as he continued with feeding her.

"I like it too but the ropes are too tight and it hurts. And perhaps, we are the same now. Or you don't trust me?" she asked and when he didn't reply, she continued," It's a pity that you don't trust me yet I trust you. I trust that you will take us out of here and start over somewhere far away." She put on a sad face and on seeing her, he said," Don't be sad. Of course I trust you, it's just that I need sometime to confirm."

"It's clear that I don't mean anything to you. They don't hurt the ones they love," she complained dramatically.

"Okay. We shall do this. We shall untie your hands but your legs will remain tied. Okay?" he said and she immediately nodded. 'What a fool,' she could only say to herself.

After untying her hands, he saw that the ropes had left wounds on her wrists. "I'm so sorry. I will not put them on you ever again," he said and she nodded. When he left to make some phone calls, she immediately stood up and hopped to the table then got the screwdriver and put it in her skirt pocket.

Going back, she slept back on the mattress.

Whenever she would concentrate, she would hear sounds of cars moving and sometimes people's voices although they appeared to be in a distance. If she succeeds in leaving this place, she knew that help was not so far. Her next step was escaping from this place.

For the whole day, Jin Liwei was in the penthouse making calls to different people who were conducting the search but they hadn't gotten anything. He was going crazy. He couldn't imagine that it was the second day yet he hadn't gotten her. It was the very same feeling he had when Shan was in the operating room. He couldn't afford losing her too. He would go mad. Just then, the door opened and Jing Yue came in.

Seeing his state, Jing Yue could only imagine how devastated he was and he understood that the woman meant a lot to him. "You finally left your girlfriend?" asked Jin Liwei the moment he saw him. "Yes, I had to give her sleeping pills so that she could catch some sleep. How are you?" he asked taking a seat next to him.