Chapter 83 I will come back soon

"He's crazy. He was in the psychiatrist hospital seven years ago but got discharged before he could heal," he said and she now understood. He was indeed crazy. "That's so bad. Can I see him?" she asked and his eyes narrowed at her. "Why?" he asked. "He's still my friend after all. I now understand why he did that. He just needs help," she said. "No, you won't be seeing him. I will step out for a moment. Take care," he said before leaving the room.

The moment Li Fei switched back her phone, she saw a number of missed call notifications from her mother and she immediately called her back.

"You finally decided to call Li Fei! I was heading to the airport to fly over to Shanghai right now. What happened to your phone?" she asked. "I'm so sorry Mom. I was working on some project and it needed my full attention so I had to keep the phone away. I'm really sorry for not informing you beforehand. Forgive this reckless daughter of yours," she said. "Reckless indeed!. I can finally relax. I just realized that I don't have Liling's number. Send it to me so that I could be able to reach you," said Li Mei.

"I will do it Mom. How are you and everything over there?" she asked. "We are fine." "I'm coming to Beijing but I won't tell you when, I want it to be a surprise," she said.

"We will be eagerly waiting. Just don't keep us waiting," she urged her.

Li Fei was planning on visiting her parents the moment she gets okay. She was going to spend at least a week with them.

After that, she called Liling who was more than glad to hear from her that tears flowed from her eyes. They talked for so long as she kept on asking multiple questions.

A while later, she became bored and she wondered where Jin Liwei might have gone. Getting her phone, she wanted to call him but then she scolded herself. First of all, he's not her man that he should explain about his whereabouts. Secondly, he was a very busy man and she shouldn't expect him to sit for the whole day. But she terribly missed him. She decided to take an afternoon nap hoping that he would be around by the time she wakes up.

A long while later, she was woken up by a nurse who had brought her lunch. "Has Mr Jin Liwei come by?" she couldn't help but ask.

"Not yet. Please have your lunch and take your medicine," she told her and Li Fei's lips were set into a thin line. She did as told and she laid down on the bed thinking.

In the evening, Li Fei was from having a bath and as she left the bathroom, she found Jin Liwei sitting by the sofa in the room busy on phone. He was dressed in casual clothes, black jeans and a maroon t-shirt and she couldn't take her eyes off him. Casual clothes made him look less intimidating but attractive. More attractive, to be specific. "What are you doing standing there?" he asked looking at her. Li Fei was removed from her stupor and immediately came to approach the bed. Originally, she had planned on changing clothes within the room but with him here, she had to go back to the bathroom.

"How have you been?" he asked looking at her.

"Fine thanks for asking," she said with a small smile. "That's good. I want to take you back to Huangpu, that is if you're fine. If you're not, we can wait," he said. "I want to go back too. Here's so boring," she said. "That's good then. The chauffeur is waiting to take you back home," he said. "What about you?" she blurted. "I won't be coming with you," he said. "Why?" she couldn't help but ask. It was then she realized what she was doing and she mentally scolded herself. He didn't owe her any explanation!

"I have businesses to look into over here," he said and she nodded in understanding. Of course he had things to do. "I will dress up such that we leave," she said.

Jin Liwei saw that she was affected when she heard that he wasn't tagging along. He understood that she must be still traumatized about what happened and that his presence might be calming and assuring to her.

As she was going to the bathroom, he said," I will come back soon."

Inside the bathroom, Li Fei couldn't stop the grin that formed on her lips when she remembered him saying that he was coming back soon, to her. She dressed up hurriedly so that she could see him before leaving but when she came out, he wasn't there.

She instead found Wang Mel who escorted her outside towards the car. Disappointed, she sat in the car and she realized that she was becoming dependant on him which was dangerous for she didn't know what would happen tomorrow.

Reaching the house, Yin Chen was more than happy to see her and the same applied to the other maids. They were all asking about where she got the bruises in her face and all she could say was that it was an accident. Yin Chen followed to her room and Li Fei gave her a brief account of what happened. "I'm so glad that the Young Master saved you. We were all very worried about you," she said. "Thank you. I'm really glad," she replied.

The next day, Liling came very early in the morning to see her friend. After the heart felt hug, the two parted and Liling started," Thank God you're fine. I was so terrified to death."

"I understand. Did you know anything about Caihong's mental state?" "I was shocked too. To think that he was a rapist and murderer," Liling said as goosebumps covered her skin. "Wait, a what?!" Li Fei couldn't help but ask. "You mean they didn't tell you?" she asked and Li Fei shook her head.

She then told her each and everything and with every word Liling said, Li Fei realized that Jin Liwei had indeed saved her. "I honestly can't believe it," she whispered. "I know, it's unbelievable. Where's he right now? Jing Yue told me that he was being treated." "I don't know. Honestly, I would like to see him."