Chapter 107 Regret your decision in the future

As agreed the next day, the Li family expected Jianyu for dinner at the house. Li Fei on coming back from work found her mother all over the place making sure that everything was perfect. After greeting her, she went to her room to have some rest. When she spoke with Jin Liwei in the morning, he told her that he was soon finalising with things in Japan and she couldn't wait to see him, to be with him. She wanted to get lost in his arms. That very moment, there was a knock on her door before it opened. "Yan Jianyu has arrived. You haven't changed yet?!" asked Li Mei. "No. I was tired," she replied still laying on the bed.

"Get up now and take a shower. Wear something nice," she said and winked at her before leaving her room.

Li Fei rolled her eyes. Infact, she was going to wear the ugliest dress in her closet. She summoned the energy and got up then headed to the bathroom.

In the parlour, Jianyu had arrived and once again, he brought gifts for almost everyone in the house. "I think you're spoiling us way too much Yan Jianyu," said Li Mei opening her gift. "This is nothing," he said and they saw his eyes searching for something or someone in particular. "She's coming," Li Mei said smiling.

Jianyu nodded and smiled sheepishly as he had been discovered.

A while later, Li Fei came to the parlour and they made their way towards the dining room.

She noticed the way his mother made sure that Jianyu sits next to her. "Li Jiang doesn't stay here I guess?" asked Jianyu. "He moved out. You know how boys can be," Li Bao answered and he nodded in understanding. When they started eating, the room became quiet and they all concentrated on the food.

A long while later, they were done with the food and went back to the parlour as they enjoyed a chocolate cake as a dessert. "We want to thank you once again for being so kind to us," said Li Mei. "It's nothing really. Mr Li Bao has been so kind to me too," he said.

"You're a nice person too," he returned the compliment.

Throughout the entire time, Li Fei was quiet watching whatever was going on. "I think it's time for us the elders to go to sleep. You can leave whenever you want to. You can even stay for the night if you want," joked Li Mei as she stood up and Li Bao followed suit.

Leaving the two behind, Jianyu looked at Li Fei and asked," You're quiet. Is everything fine?" She slowly nodded before saying," Yes. I'm just tired." "In that case, I will take my leave so that you can rest," he said.

"Jianyu, you shouldn't be doing this," she said.

"What?" he asked. "Bringing all these gifts home, being so friendly to my parents. They will get the wrong idea," she said.

"I couldn't come without bringing anything for them or you. It would be rude," he said. "They are going to start imagining things that don't exist," she said. "I promise that I won't be offended albeit it happens," he said. She looked at him without saying anything. He clearly didn't understand her situation.

"Okay. I will walk you out then," she offered standing up and they made their way outside.

The three maids who had finished clearing the table started gossiping. "He's way better than Mr Hu Feng. Do you think he's the new boyfriend?" asked one of them. "It appears to be so. He's so handsome and looks to be calm. She doesn't deserve him at all," another one called Zhan said. "What do you mean by that Zhan?" asked the other. Replying, Zhan said,"Even though she pretends to have changed, she's still the same evil person in my eyes." "People change. And I believe that she did," one said.

"By the way, last time I listened to their conversation and I learnt of the things she went through in prison. Honestly, I was so happy," said Zhan with a mischievous smile. "It's not good eavesdropping on other people's conversations," one reprimanded her. "It wasn't my intention. I happened to be passing by and Madam Li was shouting. I couldn't help but listen," she said. "Enough with the gossiping. Let's finish and have some rest. I'm tired," another said and they left the place.

When Jianyu left, Li Fei went back to her room and found her mother sitting on her bed. Closing the door behind her, she came to join her on the bed. "Has he left?" she asked. "Yes." After much silence, she said, "Okay. Uhm... about your boyfriend. When are we going to see him. It's coming to a month ever since the party," she said. "Ah, he will come at the right time. He's still busy," she could only say. "I don't want to look as though I'm pressuring you but I need to know if he's good enough. You know, as elders we see things that you may fail to see. That man Yan Jianyu loves you and he adores you. Has he told you something about it?" she asked.

"No." "He must be waiting for the right time. I can tell from the way he looks at you that he will never hurt you. FeiFei, why don't you give him a chance?" "I don't love him mother," Li Fei stated. "You can learn to. Give it a try," she said. She shook her head and said," I'm sorry Mom but I can't." Taking a deep breath, she said," I was only suggesting. I just hope you don't regret your decision in the future."

When she left, Li Fei pondered over her words and she shook her head. She will never regret choosing Jin Liwei, never.

When she was speaking to Jin Liwei, he asked," Tell me what's bothering you." "I want to see you. I only want to be with you and for a moment forget about everything. But you're so busy and far," she said.

"What if I make it?" he asked. "I will be so glad but also mad. You have more important things to do than to worry about my selfish interests," she said.