Chapter 133 She hates you so much

"Is it only her parents?.... What about you? You think I haven't heard the way you call her name? You're clearly using the situation to your advantage. Do you like my woman?" he asked.

"She's not your woman because she's not your wife. At least I have more rights on her given that we are soon going to be engaged," he said.

Jin Liwei chuckled bitterly and said," Don't cross me Yan Jianyu. You don't know what I'm capable of doing because of her. If I haven't done anything yet it's because of the relationship I have with your parents. But if you want war then I won't hesitate to give you one."

"There's something you're not putting into consideration Mr Jin Liwei. It will be very hard for her parents to accept you given the things you made them go through. Her mother especially loathes you. She hates you so much and she even blames you for her husband's current condition," he said and for the first time in his life, Jin Liwei felt defeated. Of course, what had he expected.

Jianyu continued to say," I know Li Fei loves you but I love her too and it's why I accepted to help her lie to her father." Jin Liwei looked at him and took a while to say," Don't you touch her." "I would never take advantage of her because I respect her. I could never force her to do anything against her will," he said and Jin Liwei felt his blood boiling. He looked at him before starting to walk towards the door. Before he could open the door, he said," If I get to know that you've done anything to her, you will regret it."

Jin Liwei spent the rest of the day thinking about the best alternative and he realized that he had to let her go for it. But it killed him to see her with another person even if it was fake.

It was ten at night when he returned to the house and on opening the door, he caught sight of her curling her body into a ball in the couch. She was sleeping but she wasn't covering herself yet it was cold.

Why didn't she sleep in the bedroom? Walking to where she was sleeping, he saw the dry tears that had stained her cheeks and he hated himself for making her cry.

Even though she was sleeping, she was hiccupping indicating that she had cried a lot.

He carefully carried her making sure that he didn't wake her up. He took her to the bedroom and after placing her on the bed, he properly covered her. He then left and picked the important things he had brought with him. After gathering them, he walked back to where she was sleeping.

He got on the bed and removed the fringes from her face before placing a lingering kiss on her forehead and he saw her brows knitting. He pecked her lips hurriedly and slowly left the bed. Getting his things, he walked till he reached the door when he heard," Jin Liwei." He froze and halted in his steps. Was she dreaming? Turning to look at her, he was surprised to see her sitting on the bed looking at him.

She immediately got down and walked to where he was. When she looked at him, he saw that her eyes were glistening with tears.

"Where have been the whole day? You refused to pick my calls and later you switched off your phone," her voice was choked with emotions as if she was going to cry the next moment. He placed his things on the table and said," You should go to sleep. It's late."

She became angry and lost it," I should go to sleep?! You think I'm a kid?! What? You were leaving?"

"Yes. I'm going back to Shanghai right now."

"B-but why? Is it because of what I told you? Okay, I will cancel the engagement then."

"Your father has to go for surgery Li Fei. Go ahead with the engagement," he said.

"If you understand then why are you avoiding me? Why are you leaving?" she demanded.

"Because it kills me to see the woman I love in the hands of another man who feels the same way, that's why. I need some time and we definitely need some space," he said.

"So then, you want to break up with me? Huh?" she demanded for an answer. "I didn't speak of that. I only asked for time." She walked to stand in front of the door and said," Well then, you're not going anywhere! Not until we talk and sort it out."

Seeing the fierceness and determination in her eyes, he said, "Fine. We shall talk tomorrow. Let's go to bed." "After you," she said and he walked back to the bed. Seeing him getting in the bed with his clothes, she asked," You're going to sleep like that?" "Yeah. I don't have the energy to change," he answered and she looked at him suspiciously.

When she got in, she placed her head on his chest and he embraced her. She clutched his shirt and she swore not to fall asleep because she suspected he might run away.

"Relax and go to sleep," he coaxed her but she wasn't buying any of that. "So that you could run away," she commented and he chuckled.

A long while later, she was defeated and fell asleep. Jin Liwei who was sure that she was sleeping stood up to leave but her grip on his shirt was so tight. He chuckled and couldn't believe that she could be stubborn even in her sleep. He successfully loosened her grip on him and he got out of bed.

In the morning when Li Fei's eyes snapped open, she sat up and her eyes searched for him in the room but he wasn't there. She hurriedly left the bed and went to check the bathroom but he wasn't there too. When she checked the entire house and saw that he was missing, she understood that he had left and she was greatly angered.