Chapter 136 We shall love her regardless

Ms Yan, Jianyu's mother entered the room and Li Mei came forward to welcome her.

"We are so pleased to have you here Ms Yan," she greeted. "The pleasure is mine," she replied with a bright smile. "Please come and have a seat here," she said leading her to the couch. When the two sat down, she caught sight of Li Fei being worked on and she commented, "My daughter in law is so beautiful. I'm so happy." "I'm happy too. Jianyu is such a good boy, thanks for raising him so right."

Li Fei who was watching the two women chit chatting through the mirror was told that her hair was done and she stood up to go greet Ms Yan. It would be rude if she didn't.

Walking to where they were sitting, she joined them and said," It's a pleasure meeting you again Ms Yan." "The pleasure is mine. So beautiful," Ms Yan complimented her and she blushed. "Thank you." "I always knew that my son has good eyes and surely, he didn't disappoint me. I remember seeing you on the banquet we hosted in Shanghai. I spotted you in the red dress and I told Jianyu to look for a woman like you. But now see, who would have thought." At this rate, Li Fei felt guilty and she faked a smile. She wasn't comfortable with the idea that they were lying to their parents.

"That was fate," commented Li Mei.

"I guess so," she replied. "Ah, Where's Mr Yan?" Li Mei enquired. "He's already at the venue. I decided to come and meet you first," she said before adding," Uhm, Ms Li I would like to tell you that we know of the things that happened to your daughter a few years back but it won't change anything and we shall love her regardless. What matters is that they both love each other." "That's so kind of you. Thank you so much," she replied smiling.

That moment, a maid came in and informed them that the guests had started arriving.

Li Mei got up and said," Oh my God! FeiFei, you should have your makeup now."

"I will also go and join my husband. I will see you later," said Ms Yan getting up. "Okay. It has been nice talking to you."


A while later when Li Fei was done with everything, she stood in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection. A long while later, Li Mei came to her room and analysed her before giving a satisfactory smile. "Everyone is waiting for you. It's time."

She nodded and got her clutch bag then they started moving towards the door.

Along the way, she received many compliments from the maids but among them, Zhan looked at her with pure jealousy.

The back doors were opened and she started walking on the decorated passage that had been specifically prepared for her. When she glanced at the venue, she was shocked to see the many reporters taking photos of her and she halted in her steps. What were they doing here? Didn't they talk about this? Having no other option, she took steps forward and walked to stand where Jianyu was waiting for her.

Jianyu who had been eagerly looking at the door ever since it opened finally caught sight of her coming. Just as he had imagined, she was breath taking. This whole engagement thing might be fake to her, but not to him. He was going to live acknowledging the fact that he had a fiancee.

She was in a purple dress that was of knee length at the front and at the back, it extended and was long enough to sweep the floor. In the dress, there were traces of silver glitters and her hair was styled into a messy bun. Staring at her took him into a state of bliss. It was until she came to stand in front of him did he regain back his senses. "You look so beautiful," he complimented as he took her delicate hands in his. "Thank you," she said faking a smile.

All the guests could see how much he adored her basing on the way he looked at her.

"He loves her, doesn't he?" Mr Yan asked his wife. "So much. He really chose well. They perfectly match each other," she said.

"I think so too," complimented Li Bao who was sitting besides them.

After the introduction from the emcee, the couple was asked to say something to the guests but Li Fei said that she didn't have anything to say. When it was time for the main event, Jianyu turned to look at her with love and warmth filled in his eyes.

"From the first time I saw you, I was attracted to you and I couldn't get you out of my head. I will never forget you in that red dress. Honestly, today feels like a dream to me. No amount of words can explain the way I feel about you, but all I can do is to promise to keep you happy until the end of time." With this, he went down kneeling and he got out a diamond ring then looked up to meet her eyes. "Marry me, Li Fei," he said and she kept looking at him.

Even though she was well aware that this was an act, saying yes wasn't so easy to her with everyone witnessing this. She turned her head to look at the guests and it's when she caught sight of the reporters taking various photographs of them. Returning her eyes to him, she closed them and said," Yes." At the mention of that, the guests clapped their hands as most of them stood up.

Sliding the ring into her finger, he stood up and hugged her so intimately making her body stiffen at the closeness.

As his hands circled around her waist, she slowly pulled herself from him but his grip was tight. When he finally let her go, he did something she had not expected. Without warning, he circled his hands around her waist and pulled her to him before pressing his lips on hers. Her eyes widened in shock and she pulled away from him. She looked at him in utter surprise and he refused to meet her gaze. She couldn't believe it. Why did he do it?


Hey lovelies

Sorry for the late update. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote.