Chapter 138 We were never meant to be

When two hours passed and they weren't coming out of the OR, Li Mei started getting worried. Was there something wrong? She shook her head to get rid of such thoughts. She only needed to be strong.

Li Fei too was in the same condition. She only hoped he was okay because she had sacrificed a lot.

A while later, the OR doors were opened and he was wheeled out unconscious. "Is everything okay?" his wife asked approaching them.

"Yes, the operation was a success. He is soon going to wake up," said the doctor as the nurse took him to his room. They all released a sigh feeling relieved.

They went to his room where he was laying and Jianyu said," I will inform my parents. They were so worried." "Okay. Thank them for their support," said Li Mei and she looked at her daughter wondering why she wasn't saying anything to him but Li Fei kept her eyes fixated on her sleeping father.


It was evening when Jing Yue came back from work. Sitting on the bed, he loosened his tie before removing it and started unbuttoning his shirt. Just that moment, the bathroom door opened and he saw Liling coming out with a severe expression on her face.

He immediately stood up and walked to where she was," Cute pie, what is it?" "Nothing," she said shaking her head. "Of course there's something. Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, it's just that...I got my period," she said.

"Ohhh, is it so painful? Should we call the doctor?" he said attempting to carry her in his arms.

"No. It's not painful," she said pulling herself away from him. "What is it then?"

"It's just that, I didn't expect it," she revealed. "Why? But these are your days. Don't you get it every month?" he asked confused. "Yes but I thought that maybe I was pregnant," she said and he looked at her speechless. She added," Do you think I have a problem?" He took a deep breath and said," Come on Liling. It's just one month. How can you think that?" he asked. "What can I say? FeiFei got pregnant on her first time," she said and Jing Yue chuckled deeply. "What's funny?" she asked frowning. "You're funny. Listen Liling, we are all different and perhaps, it's only a month ever since we got married. You shouldn't be stressed about it. We are both perfectly healthy and the baby will come at the right time. Stop worrying okay?" Hesitantly, she nodded and he said," By the way, I've seen Li Fei's photographs everywhere on the internet." "Oh yeah. It's everywhere now I guess." "Yes but from what I know, Jin Liwei told me that the engagement party was fake but the photos say otherwise," he said removing his belt.

"FeiFei told me that it's all a misunderstanding. What did Jin Liwei say about them?" Liling asked. "I haven't talked to him. I called his phone for the whole day but he didn't pick up yet I couldn't leave the office. But tomorrow first thing in the morning, I will be at Jin Corps," he said and she nodded.

The next morning, Jing Yue made way to Jin Corps and into Jin Liwei's office.

"I know there's nothing good about the morning but good morning, anyway," he said as he took his seat. Jin Liwei didn't look at him and instead, his focus was on the laptop.

Jing Yue became curious and he stood up to go to his side only to see that he was looking at the same pics. "You already saw them," he said walking back to his seat and after sitting he said," Nothing will change however much you look at them. My wife told me that it was only an act."

Closing the laptop, Jin Liwei said, "Perhaps they decided to do it for real," coldness was evident in his voice.

"Haven't you two talked about it?" he asked and he shook his head. "Why? You guys should talk," Jing Yue said. "If she really wanted us to talk, she would have contacted me. She would have called to explain but she didn't. She probably doesn't have my time as she's dealing with her father's surgery after all it's the only thing she cares about," he said. "Look, I don't like the direction your issues are taking. I honestly believe that this will end when you sit down and talk." "There's nothing left to talk about. This explains it all. Maybe...we were never meant to be. It was better to choose him after all, her parents like him," he said getting up. "Where are you going?" asked Jianyu watching him pick his keys. "To visit Shan," he said before leaving. He thought before saying," Wait for me too," before rushing to catch up with him. It has been so long since he last visited Shan and also, he wanted to be sure that he would be fine. Who knows, he might try to drown in the water.

Four days later, Li Bao was taken back home and they were told that he will be completely healed in a month. Under extra care and attention, he was getting better by each day.

Li Fei was in her bed thinking of something. The new year was approaching soon and she remembered that Jin Liwei proposed for the two of them to travel to Guilin for a vacation. Now that this was done, she wondered if the offer was still valid. How she wanted to be in his arms right now. How she wanted to moan his name as he did those sinful things to her. Sighing, she got her phone and went to Weibo for the first time ever since the engagement party ended.

She was surprised to see that she was still making the headlines of the gossip. When she looked at the photographs, she loudly gasped.

It looked as though the two were kissing intimately, as if she was holding his face with both her hands. Oh no! She couldn't believe it. She knew that Jin Liwei had already seen them and he must be furious by now. She had to personally go to Shanghai soon and explain everything to him.