Chapter 151 That is too late

Jin Liwei clenched his jaws when he saw Jianyu touching his woman. He very well understood that he was only comforting her but it didn't sit well with him. It was supposed to be him doing that! With all due honesty, Jin Liwei was fade up of the secret relationship. He wanted to let the whole world know that she's his. The moment they spent apart from each other made him have a glimpse of what his life could be like without her and it was total darkness. He therefore wanted to marry her as soon as possible such that he could tie her with him forever.

Unable to take it anymore, Li Fei left the place and walked back to sit in the gazebo before the burial could end. As soon as she sat down, she received another call from Liling who had called her for the umpteenth time. She wasn't able to come because she was currently in Korea attending a very important seminar and Li Fei understood.

When they got done with the burial, people started to leave. Li Fei found this opportunity to walk towards the car without being seen by anyone. Seeing her coming, Jin Liwei came out and hugged her the moment she reached.

The car had hidden them such that no one from the other side could see them.

He felt her whole body shaking as she cried," He's gone. Completely gone." "Hush now, I'm here for you. I will take care of you," he coaxed her. "I-I didn't want him to go this soon," she said in between her sobs. "It's never our choice. It just happens," he told her.

Still standing in each other's embrace, they were interrupted by a voice. "What do you think you're doing?!" asked Li Jiang glaring at them. He had seen her earlier leaving and decided to follow her so as to know what she was hiding only to find her with this man. Pulling away hurriedly, Li Fei looked at him with surprise. How did he know she was here? "Answer me Li Fei! What are you doing here with" he asked glaring at Jin Liwei who stared back at him.

Swallowing, she said," I- nothing. He was just consoling me." "Consoling? While you two are hugging so intimately? Have you forgotten that you're engaged?" he asked clearly annoyed. "He's the one I want to be with," was all she said. He looked at her unbelievably and asked," And your fiancee?"

Jin Liwei interrupted this time and said," She got engaged because she wanted your father to have surgery." Li Jiang turned to look at him with narrowed eyes and said," You should stay away from my sister. You've hurt her enough."

"That is too late Mr Li Jiang because I'm not letting her go away from me ever again," he stated as a matter of fact and Li Jiang clenched his jaws. Before he could retort back, he was called by one of the board members and the matter seemed to be important.

He shot Jin Liwei a look as if saying 'We ain't done yet' before leaving the place.

Li Fei took a deep breath before looking at him to say," I'm so sorry. He's kind of strict."

"I understand," he said. Li Fei left to go check on her mother and found that she was going home with the Yans. When her eyes met Li Jiang's, he shot her a warning look and she looked away.

Away from that, among the maids who had come for the funeral was Zhan and the moment she saw that Liu Han had come, she realized that she had to speak with the model at all costs this being the only opportunity. She very well knew of the relationship the two women had in the past and she doubted that things had changed much. When the burial ended, she discreetly followed the socialite and when she was sure that no one was watching, she called," Ms Liu Han!" Turning around, Liu Han saw a woman calling her and her brows raised in question. As she was soon reaching her, one of her bodyguards blocked her from coming near her. "Who are you?!" he asked. "I'm called Zhan. I have something important to discuss with Ms Liu Han," she said. "What could it be about? I don't know you," Liu Han said. Looking around, she said "It's about Li Fei."

On hearing the name, she looked at the bodyguards and they both gave them some space but still watching. Coming closer to her, she said," What about Li Fei?"

"You hate her, don't you? I saw how you've been looking at her." She smiled and said," What about my hate for her?" "I want to let you know that I feel the same way. And I'm willing to do anything to take her down." Liu Han looked at her and said," May I know why you hate her?" "Let's say that she treated us like trash before she got problems. I don't care if she changed. My hate for her multiplies each day," she said. "I think you just envy her. Wishing to be in her place," said Liu Han smiling.

"I would tell the same. I think it applies to both of us," said Zhan. Liu Han nodded before saying," Zhan, Zhan what do I do with you? You should know that I don't deal with cowards. If you will chicken out later, it's better we don't get anywhere." "I can't do that. I've been planning this for a very long time," she said.

Liu Han checked in her handbag and pulled out her business card before handing it to her and said," You will contact me and we set up a meeting. But only if you're willing to do anything." She took it and smiled before saying," Don't worry. I will contact you soon."

After that, Liu Han left and her bodyguards followed her to her car.

Walking back to the car, Li Fei got in and asked Jin Liwei to wait until everyone left.

After when the place was empty, she walked back to the new tombstone and Jin Liwei came following behind her.

Kneeling down, she spoke," Dad, I miss you so much. You promised not to leave but you left anyway. Please look after us Dad. The last conversation we had, will surely fulfill my promise." She looked behind her to see Jin Liwei who was standing not too far away from her and she turned back to whisper," You told me to prioritize my happiness and it's what I'm going to do. I know you may not approve of him but he's the one I love Dad. I'm so sorry but I couldn't stop it. I didn't mean to keep it from you but it's just that I didn't have the courage to reveal it to you." When Jin Liwei realized that she was crying again, he came to approach her and squatted to where she was. "Are you okay?" he asked and she nodded while wiping her tears. "Let's go," she said before getting up and she felt dizzy but before she could hit the ground, Jin Liwei was quick on catching her.