Chapter 195 I just want to die

"Don't be stubborn!" the guard couldn't help but yell at her. If it weren't for his boss's order, he would have let the woman kill herself.

Half an hour later as they were still in the same state, Liling reached the scene and she approached the bridge running.

"FeiFei!!" she screamed as she ran to where they were standing.

"Do you know the young miss?" the guard asked as he kept keeping her in place. "Yes, I'm her sister! What happened to her?!" she asked examining her.

"She was trying to commit sucide by jumping off the bridge," he said and her lips parted in shock. Disbelief written all over her face, she asked," What? Why?" "I don't know. I was only trying to help," he said and she nodded before saying," Thank you so much. You can leave. I will take care of her."

He finally released her and just that moment, Li Fei ran back to the railing and Liling came running after her. Trying to climb again, Liling came and pulled her but Li Fei pushed her back and the guard was the one who got her off the railing. "What is wrong with you, Li Fei?!" Liling asked her. When she attempted to run back, Liling tugged on her wrist and turned her around before giving her a hard slap on her cheek. She didn't want to hit her but she thought that it will help bring her back to her senses.

Li Fei clutched her cheek and sobbed then Liling inched closer and hugged her tightly. She felt her body tremble in her embrace as she cried her heart out and she gestured for the man to leave.

A long while later, Liling felt her sobs quiet down and pulled away to look at her face. The slap had imprinted on her skin which she felt very sorry for but it was necessary. And her face was so red probably because of over crying. Her hair was a mess and she was barefooted. Liling wondered why she looked this terrible.

There was a lot of explanation needed but first, she had to get her out of here.

Leading her to the car, Li Fei finally asked," Where are you taking me?" "At my house," replied Liling. "No!!! Don't take me there!! Don't take me to your house!!" she exclaimed like a terrified child and Liling couldn't understand. "FeiFei, what's wrong with my house?" she asked. "I don't want to go to Jing Yue's house! I don't want to!!" she exclaimed once again. Liling took a while to say, "Okay okay. I will take you to my condominium. Is it okay?" she asked and she nodded. Liling gave the chauffeur the address of her condominium and shortly they arrived at the place.

Liling led her to the couch where she sat and she left to get her some water to drink. On coming back, she found her sobbing and she got confused on what to do. Sitting next to her, she asked," FeiFei, did you fight with Jin Liwei?" She shook her head amidst her tears and said," I want to die. I just want to die." Not knowing what else to say, Liling inched closer and hugged her tightly before saying," Don't worry. It will all end."

A long while later, she stopped sobbing and she realized that she had slept. She made her lay down on the couch and got a blanket then covered her before taking a deep breath.

Whatever caused the fight between the two was very serious, she thought.

She had never seen Li Fei in such a state. And to think that Jin Liwei hadn't called to ask on how she was doing.

Liling moved away and called Jin Liwei. She needed to know what the issue was about.

Unfortunately, he did not answer and she wondered if he did it intentionally.

Not knowing what else to do, she remembered the elderly woman Yin Chen and called Jing Yue. "Jing Yue, do you have Yin Chen's number? Jin Liwei's house keeper?" she asked.

"I think so. Why?" he asked. "I need it urgently. Send it to me," she said. "Okay but is everything alright? I'm home," he let her know. "First send me the number. I will tell you the rest," she said and he hummed before hanging up.

Shortly, she received the number and called her immediately. After a few rings, she answered," Hello?" "Ms Yin Chen, this is Liling. You got me?" "Jing Yue's wife?"

"Yes, and also Li Fei's best friend," she said.

"Do you know where she is?" "Yes, I'm with her right now." "Thank goodness, I was so worried about her," replied the woman with relief. "Yin Chen, do you know what happened her and Jin Liwei? She's not fine at all." "I think they got into a big fight but I don't know what it was about exactly. She left in a strange mood and the Young Master too is not doing well," she replied.

"Okay. I thought you knew what happened. Have a good night."

After hanging up, she called Jing Yue again.

"Do you know what happened between Jin Liwei and Li Fei? Has he told you anything?" "Ah...No. What happened?" he asked feigning ignorance. "They got into a fight and...Li Fei wanted to commit sucide."

"What?" "Yes. She wanted to jump off the bridge," she explained as she turned to look at her sleeping. "That is so bad. How is she right now?" "Sleeping fortunately. And I wanted to let you know that I am not coming home tonight. I can't leave her like this especially when the sucide idea hasn't yet left her mind."

"It is absolutely okay. I understand," he said before hanging up.

He sighed with relief when he realized that Li Fei hadn't told her that he knew about it. But he didn't know how long it will take before she finds out.

It could even be tomorrow.