Chapter 198 Ever been at your worst

When Liling left, Li Fei started packing her bags. She wasn't going to ruin her friend's life just because hers was ruined. She knew that Liling had her own life and she didn't want her throwing it away just because she was watching over her.

After ensuring that she had packed everything, she hailed a cab that took her to the airport.

Booking a flight to Beijing, she sat in the waiting area and got her phone to call her.

"FeiFei, is something wrong?" she asked the moment she picked up. "No. Everything is alright. I just called to thank you for being a good friend Liling. Thank you for taking care of me and everything."

With this, Liling was alarmed and said," Li Fei! Don't do anything stupid!! You promised me!! What are you going to do?!"

"Nothing Liling, relax. I'm at the airport. I'm going back to Beijing." "But why? Isn't it too soon? I mean, I don't think it's a good idea for your family to see you in that state."

"I know and I'm not going home," she said. "Where are you going then?" "I will go to a hotel until I'm fine," she stated. "Li Fei, I don't think it's a good idea. With your current state, you shouldn't be alone. You were not a bother to me, really. Come back," she said. "You have your own life Liling and it shouldn't stop just because of me. We shall be communicating," she stated and then called,"Lilling." "Yes?" she answered. "In case you happen to see him, tell him that I said that I wish him the best in life,"she said.

Liling took a while to say, "I will tell him but please take care of yourself." "I will. I have to board now bye."

Hanging up, she got her bags but before she could drag them with her, she turned to look behind and she promised herself that she was never returning to Shanghai.

The moment the call ended, Liling became confused on what to do. Li Fei wasn't fit to stay alone especially when she wasn't sure that she had dropped the sucide idea. She then remembered someone. Yan Jianyu. He truly cared for Li Fei and he would be willing to help. She searched among her contacts and she prayed that she still had his number. Luckily, she landed on it and she released a sigh of relief before calling him.

He didn't pick up at first and she frowned but decided to give it a second try. Finally, he answered.

"Hello?" he said when he answered. "Hello Yan Jianyu. This is Jing Liling. Li Fei's friend in Shanghai." "Yes, Liling. How are you?" "I wish I was okay but I'm not. It's about Li Fei," she said. "What happened?" he asked. "Actually, the thing is, she has just boarded a flight to Beijing but she's not well. If you would please wait for her at the airport and assist her in anyway you can, I will be very grateful."

"What happened to her? Is she sick?" he asked getting up. "Something like that but please don't inform her brother or mother at least until she agrees."

He wanted to ask about Jin Liwei knowing how possessive the man was but he instead said, "Okay okay. I'm on my way to the airport."

Getting his coat and keys, he left for the airport.

While on the way, he wondered if she was okay. He also wondered why Jin Liwei had let her come back alone when she wasn't well.

He also couldn't tell why he didn't have to tell her family.

Reaching the airport, he stayed in the car to wait for the time when the plane would land.

After two and a half hours, he left the car and went to the waiting area. He saw a number of people coming out but he didn't see her, and he grew desperate. He went inside and searched for her everywhere. He searched at the Starbucks, the washrooms but she wasn't there. He wondered if Liling had been mistaken when she didn't catch the flight.

As he was still moving while his eyes were searching, he caught sight of her on a seat and he quickly approached her. Putting the luggage to the side, he squatted infront of her and looked at her who had a distant look in her eyes. She didn't seem to have recognized him at all. "Li Fei, are you alright?" he asked as he was examining her. She didn't spare him a look nor reply as though she hadn't heard him.

He noticed that she was so pale and didn't look like her usual self. Seeing the bags, he realized that she might have left Shanghai completely and it only meant that they had a fight with Jin Liwei. As he was still examining her, a man approached them and asked," Do you know that lady?" "Yes. Why?" he asked. "Does she have a mental problem?" he asked and Jianyu glared at him. "No! What makes you think that way?" he asked. "She was acting strange. She came off the plane and left all her belongings behind then came moving aimlessly until she settled here. We asked about her identity but she looked at us as though she didn't understand what we were saying. I think she's mad- " "Don't talk about her in that way! I'm sure that you've ever been at your worst too," he said and the man smiled sheepishly before leaving the place.

He looked at her again and stood up tugging on her hand before saying," Li Fei, let's go." She stood up and walked with him then he got someone to help him with the luggage. He was glad that he saw her on time before some bastards could take advantage of her.

Getting in the car, he secured her seatbelt and looked at her. His hand carresed her cheek and he frowned when he felt her body temperature.

He placed his palm on her forehead and felt that she was burning with fever.

"You have a fever," he murmured and she blinked her eyes before looking at him.

"Jianyu? What are you doing here? When did I get here?" she asked as though she had woken up from a trance. "You mean you didn't recognize me?" he asked. "No. How did you get me?" she asked. "Your friend Liling asked me to come and find you and I'm glad she did," he said. "I don't want to go home. Please don't take me there," she said.

"I'm not taking you there. We are going to the hospital because you have a fever," he said before starting the car.