Chapter 200 To toy with your feelings

He looked at her and said," Come on Liling, what are you saying?" He watched her get up and she picked a pillow before dashing out of the room. He threw his head back and groaned in frustration. He knew something of a sort was going to happen.

Waking up, Li Fei turned to look on the other side of the bed. It had been her usual routine whenever she woke up while in Shanghai.

She wondered what he must be doing right now. Just that moment, her phone rang and she checked to see that it was Liling.

"FeiFei, Good morning?" she greeted. "Good morning Liling. How are you?" "I'm alright. How is the fever?" "I've improved. Thanks for asking." "Anytime. I hope you're not mad at me for asking Yan Jianyu to take care of you." "It's fine. I understand you were worried." "Okay, I'm glad. FeiFei, let me hope you finally gave up on the sucide idea," said Liling.

"Yes, I did," she replied as she looked at the door open and watched Jianyu come in with breakfast. "Okay. Don't forget that I'm here for you for anything." "I know and thank you."

When she hang up, Li Fei switched off her phone because she didn't want any other calls to pass through.

"Good morning," Jianyu greeted. "Good morning." "How was your night?" "It was okay." "And the fever?" "It reduced, almost gone." "I'm glad. I made some breakfast for the both of us. I hope you like it."

She looked at him and said," Jianyu, thank you." "I do it with pleasure. I will be back later," he said and left.

Li Fei looked at the food and she didn't have the appetite but she had to eat. With that, she got the chopsticks and ate a little before placing them back.

Getting up, she placed the plates on the table and decided to take a bath.

A while later, she came back wiping her body with a towel when the door suddenly opened and she gasped. She quickly wrapped the towel around her chest and she saw Jianyu peeking in. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were... from bathing," he said averting his eyes.

"I came to check if you were done with the food. I will come back later," he said before leaving the room.

Li Fei walked towards the closet and picked up some clothes for her, before wearing them.

A long while later, Jianyu knocked on the door multiple times before peeking inside.

When he saw her, he suddenly remembered the image of her in the short towel and he mentally scolded himself.

"Can I come in?" he asked and she nodded.

"I'm so sorry about what happened earlier. It was my fault for not knocking first."

"It is okay, really. I should have locked the door," she said.

"Uhm, are you going to spend the whole day here? What do you think about us going out?" "I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood for going out."

"It's fine I understand. Ah, Li Fei, I really want to know what happened between you and Mr Jin Liwei. I'm sorry if I'm being nosy but I can't keep my curiosity in check." She took a while to say," I preferred not to talk about it but I will tell you. Nothing has ever existed. Jin- Mr Jin Liwei has always been on revenge." He looked at her confused and said," I'm not getting you."

When she explained everything to him, he took long to say anything.

"I can't believe it," was all he managed to say.

"You also think I'm stupid, don't you?" she asked. "Not at all. On the contrary, I think he is the stupid one. It was foolish of him to toy with your feelings."

He continued to say," He doesn't deserve your tears because he doesn't value them. You shouldn't cry over him."

Sensing that she wanted to be alone at the moment, he said," I will be in the living room if you need anything." When he left, she switched on her phone and opened Weibo. She typed it in his name and she opened his account. She scrolled down through his recent posts expecting to see a picture of him and Meili perhaps. Maybe the two had announced their wedding date already, she thought. She realized that the recent updates were only about Jin Corps and somehow, she was relieved within.

She then wondered why she was even searching about him. He had made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her. She decided to block him at once and left Weibo.

A week passed with Li Fei in the same situation and it bothered Jianyu seeing her in the state. He knew he had to be happy because now he had her all to himself but he hated the fact that she was miserable and nothing seemed to be working however much he tried to lighten up her mood. She always stayed in the room and not once did she step out.

When he took her lunch to her room as usual, he found her sitting on the bed in thoughts. Thinking had become her daily routine.

"I think what you're doing is not good for you. You need to go out. Stop locking up yourself. I'm sure he's out there having fun," he said as he placed the food on the table.

"I will think about it. Thank you for the food," she said. "Anytime," he replied and as he was leaving to let her eat, she said," Jianyu, I wanted to tell you that since I'm fine, I think I should leave." A deep frown settled on his face and he asked," Where are you going?" "Anywhere. A hotel perhaps."

"You can't be serious. Why? Don't you like it here?" "Of course I like it here. It's just that, I don't want to bother you. You don't go to work because of me yet I'm no longer sick. You have your life Jianyu."