Chapter 209 I can be your manager

"I wasn't sure if it was you but I decided to take the chance," said Suyin as she approached.

"You stay this side?" Li Fei asked. "Yes. On the other condominiums," she said pointing towards the building which they had left behind. "Sure? That's where I stay too."

"What a coincidence! I'm glad. So, where are you heading to?" she asked. "Nowhere in particular. I was just taking a stroll around the neighborhood," replied Li Fei. "I'm quite farmiliar with this place. Let me accompany you," she said. "Thank you," replied Li Fei as they walked together.

When they had taken a few steps, she said," I can see that you're not with your boyfriend today." "Boyfriend?" asked Li Fei. "The one that was driving the other time."

"Oh, he's not my boyfriend," she dismissed.

"He isn't? Your brother then?" she asked.

"No. He's just a friend. We decided to come together," continued Li Fei.

She nodded before asking ,"So you're working?" "No. I haven't yet decided if I'm staying here or going back to Beijing."

"I understand," she replied as they continued moving.

On their way back, Suyin said," I have issues at work. I lost my manager to gossip and I'm looking for a capable manager." "What happened?" asked Li Fei. "It was rumoured that we two are lovers yet he's married and has kids. So he decided to quit in fear of losing his family," she explained and Li Fei nodded in understanding.

"I'm sorry about that," she said. "It's okay. Do you know anybody who can do the job?" she asked. "No, I'm sorry I don't know anyone."

"It's okay. Ah... your friend, what is his other name?" "He's Yan Jianyu," she replied to the question. "He has a nice name and he's handsome," said Suyin and Li Fei nodded. Jianyu was an attractive man and sometimes she wondered if things would have been different if she met him first.

When they reached the building on which they resided, Suyin showed her condo unit and they also exchanged contacts. Li Fei continued to her own and when she reached her door, she found a banquet of purple tulips outside and she squatted down before picking it in her arms.

Unlocking the door, she went inside and placed them on the table.

She walked to the kitchen to drink some water when she heard a knock on the door.

Going to open, it was Jianyu.

"Welcome back. How was your work?," she asked and he stepped in.

"It was good thank you. Are you coming from somewhere?" "I was taking a stroll around the neighborhood," she replied. "Okay. And the flowers?" he asked looking at them. "I found them on my doorstep when I came back," she said and before he could say anything, she continued, "Can you believe that the actress we helped yesterday stays on this same building?" "Oh? That is great," he replied although he didn't care about that before adding," I will prepare dinner here for the two of us."

"Okay. I will take a rest meanwhile," she said going to her room.

After dinner when Jianyu left to his own unit, she went to bed as there was nothing left to do. As she was laying in the bed, her thoughts ran back to that man, just like a curse.

She remembered the moment when they thought that she was pregnant after throwing up. Thinking of it, she wondered if he truly meant it, that he wanted a child from her. She also wondered if things would have been different if she had been really pregnant.

But Lee Meili will give him lots of healthy kids, she thought. 'You have to forget him, you have to forget him, you have to forget him,' she told herself multiple times.

She then remembered the conversation she had with the singer and she sat up immediately. A manager. Having been in the entertainment industry for sometime, Li Fei had idea on what a manager should do.

Could she perhaps take up the job? The only reason she considered taking it was that it being a busy job, it would keep her mind occupied rather than thinking of Jin Liwei.


She got her phone immediately and called Suyin.

"Did I wake you?" she asked when she picked up. "Not at all. I was rehearsing," she replied.

"I'm sorry for the interruption but I wanted to know if you will be home tomorrow?"

"Sure." "I will come by in the morning. I need to speak to you about something."

"Okay. I will be waiting for you," she replied and the call ended.

She had started falling asleep when her phone rang and she saw the same unknown number and picked up.

"But who are you?" she asked the moment she picked up. No response, she said, " Listen, whoever you are, stop sending me flowers and stop calling my number. Don't even bother me with your messages." With that, she hang up.

The next day, Li Fei made way towards Suyin's condo unit and she knocked on the door.

Shortly, it was opened and Suyin smiled at her then said," Good morning Li Fei. Please come in."

Getting inside, Li Fei took a seat on the couch and Suyin asked ," What can I get you?"

"Nothing. I'm alright. I already had breakfast," she replied and she nodded.

"Okay. So then, let's talk," she said taking a seat next to her. "Uh, I don't know if you will agree but I thought about it and I decided that I can be your manager. I really want to." Suyin looked at her before asking," Really? What made you decide that way?"

"Well, I have an idea about the thing because I have ever been in the entertainment industry," she said. "Sure? As a singer?!" she asked. "No. Model and socialite in Beijing," she replied.

"Not bad. Let me have a look," she said reaching for her tab and searched for it.

Seeing all her nominations, awards and endorsements, she was awestruck.

"Wow, why did you quit the industry?" she asked while checking out the pictures.