Chapter 232 He rather dies

Seeing the hesitation and grim expression on Liling's face, tears gathered in her eyes and she whispered, " What happened to him? Please tell me." "FeiFei, I'm so sorry. Jin Liwei was involved in an accident," she said and Li Fei swallowed. She shook her head and said," No. You're kidding." "I'm more than serious," she said.

Tears flowed from her eyes," Where's he?" "The doctors are doing everything they can," she replied and Li Fei lost it, then ran inside the hospital like a mad woman. Liling chased after her until she got to her and got hold of her hand.

"FeiFei, try to relax. You have to be strong," she told her as she held her shoulders.

Sobbing, Li Fei looked at her and said," I can't relax. I-I have to see him. Where's he?"

"You won't be seeing him now. The doctors are still working on him," she said and gave her a comforting hug.

A while later, Liling led her to where they were and she found Jing Yue.

"Li Fei, it's good to see you. Come have a seat here," he offered. Sitting next to him, she looked at him and asked," Jing Yue what happened?"

"The car collided with a truck. Jin Liwei was the one driving and Wang Mel was there too but he wasn't hurt as him." "Was he in bad shape?" she asked. "I think I still have the pictures with me," he said as got the phone from his pockets.

He looked for the pictures and gave her the phone so that she could see for herself.

Seeing how crushed his car was especially the driver's side, she couldn't help the tears that flowed from her eyes. "What happened to the truck driver?" she asked looking at him.

"He died on spot," he replied and she lowered her eyes back to the picture.

Seeing her hesitation, he said,"Scroll if you want to see him." She wondered if she should really see him in such a horrible state.

But she needed to know, and she scrolled to see the picture. She gasped the moment she saw him. He was laying in a pool of blood, his whole face and clothes were all showered in blood.

She let go of the phone and clutched her hair as she sobbed.

"FeiFei, what's wrong?" Liling who had gone to get some water asked as she sat beside her.

Seeing the phone on her lap, she got it and looked at the pictures then sent a glare at Jing Yue. "How could you show her such things in her current state?' she asked him. "She wanted to know the state in which he was," he said.

Liling pressed her arm on her shoulder to, comfort her.

Not long after, Jing Yue saw the door to the ICU opening and he said," That's the doctor working on him!" The three ran to him, and Li Fei anxiously asked, "Doctor, how is he please?"

He appeared to be in a rush, going somewhere but he replied her nonetheless, "We are trying everything we can. Though, you should expect anything," he said walking away. Li Fei grabbed his coat and she said," Doctor, please do anything you can. I will give you everything you want. That man...he is my everything. He is my life. I can't lose him, please." She said amidst her sobs and Liling found herself shedding tears seeing her pitiful state.

"We as doctors do everything within our power to save patients but we are not God. He has the final decision but I promise to do everything," he said before continuing to walk away. Li Fei followed him and said," Promise me that you will save him. I-I will die if anything happens to him."

"FeiFei, please calm down," Liling got hold of her hand. She looked at the doctor who disappeared in the corridor as her vision was blurred with tears.

At the same time, Liling caught sight of Wang Mel coming to where they were.

"Wang Mel," she called and Li Fei looked in the direction. Seeing him with wounds, they walked to where he was. "Wang Mel, how are you feeling?" Liling asked looking at him. His wounds had been dressed and had minor bruises in his face and hands. "I'm in pain but I will be okay," he replied slightly wincing. "Why did you leave the doctor's? You seem to be in bad shape," said Liling and Li Fei nodded agreeing to her words. "I hate hospitals. How is my boss doing?" he asked looking at them. "We haven't heard anything," replied Liling before saying," Come and have a seat."

"How are you doing man?" Jing Yue asked him the moment he sat down.

"Not good but I will be fine," he replied.

Li Fei looked at him and asked," Wang Mel, what happened?"

"The boss was driving when he threw the car into the truck." Their eyes widened and Jing Yue asked," What do you mean by that?"

"I think the boss did it intentionally to end his life because he saw the truck coming and I also warned him," he said and Li Fei shook her head. "No," she whispered. "Yes Ma'am. He also told me... to tell you wherever you will be that he rather dies than see you marrying someone else," he said.

Sitting down on the floor, Li Fei wailed as she said," What have I done? I just killed myself."

Liling squatted down to comfort her.

"He's going to be alright," she said. "This is all my fault. I should have listened to him but I only kept pushing him away," she sobbed.

"Jin Liwei is crazy. I didn't think he could do something like that," said Jing Yue. "The boss was really suffering. He loved the young miss so much," Wang Mel commented.

A while later, Liling asked,"Don't you think his parents should know about this?" "I don't think we should tell them now. We will call them when we are sure of the situation he's in," said Jing Yue.