Chapter 235 As if it were my own

A long while later when the doctor came in, Li Fei looked at him and said,"Please don't chase me away. I've behaved myself." "You don't have to worry. I just came to check up on him," he replied and she watched him remove the oxygen mask.

Checking his pulse and pupils, he placed back the oxygen mask. "How is he?" she asked him.

"He's responding to the medication. He has to be fine," he replied. She was relieved to hear that and asked," When do you think will he be waking up?" "I can't tell. We just have to wait," he answered and she nodded. Before he could leave, she asked," Uh, doctor. Is there any possibility of him waking up with memory loss?" He thought about it before saying, "Uhm... yes. It can happen considering the severity of the accident but we can't come to conclusions before he wakes up." So, there was a possibility of her worst nightmare happening, she thought.

Not long after, Liling came in to check on her. "How is he?" she asked. "He hasn't responded in any way," she replied and she nodded. "I wanted to check if you're fine. "

"Thank you. I will be fine," she said. "I just called Yin Chen and asked her to inform his parents. They will be here soon," said Liling.

When Liling left the room, she went back to join Jing Yue on the seat. Looking at her, he inched closer and wrapped his hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Not bad. It's just that.." "Tell me." A while later, she said,"Jing Yue, what do you think about us adopting?"

Caught off guard, he asked," Adopting? Why?"

"I've been thinking about it for a while now. I think that it will be a good idea," she said.

"I have never thought about it," he said.

"I think we should start considering it given the situation." When he didn't say anything, she said," I don't want to sound as though I'm pressuring you. Just think about it," she said and that moment, they saw Jin Liwei's parents and Yin Chen making way to where they were.

When Liling left, Li Fei remained in the room sitting next to Jin Liwei. She had decided not to leave until he woke up. As she was resting her head on the bed, she received a call from Jianyu.

"Li Fei, where did you go? I came at your house but you were not there. You're not at work either," he told her. "I'm sorry I didn't inform you before leaving. I didn't want to wake you up since it was so early." "I understand. I wanted to talk to you about the present situation. I gave it a thought and I decided to go on with our plans. I will marry you despite the fact that you're pregnant and I will love that child as if it were my own. That is if you want." "I appreciate the gesture but no. I will inform Jin Liwei."

"Okay. So then, when are you planning on telling him?"

"Soon because I'm in Shanghai." "Oh? I must say that was quick," he said. "I came early because he was involved in an accident yesterday." "Oh, that is bad. How is he?" he asked. "He will be fine."

"Alright. I will get back to you," he said before hanging up.

Just then, the door was opened and the moment she saw Jin Liwei's mother, she stood up.

Ms Jin looked at her son who was laying unconscious and walked towards the bed. Tears fell from her eyes at the sight of the blood and she got hold of his hand. "Why did this have to happen?" she asked looking at him.

Li Fei was feeling guilty because she was well aware that this was her fault. "Uh, he will be alright, Ms Jin," she said and the woman turned to look at her. "Oh Li Fei, it's you. I hadn't paid attention," she said. "It is really fine, I understand," she said.

"When did the doctor say he will be waking up?" she asked. "That it could happen anytime," she replied. She nodded her head and took a seat, looking at her son. Mr Jin came in too and Li Fei stood up again, and the man gave her a small smile.

"Thank you for being here," he told her as he walked in. "It is nothing Mr Jin. I had to be here," she said. "I can't believe this happened," he commented as he looked at his son.

Li Fei realized that she had to leave the room however much she did not want to.

"I will be outside in case you need anything," she informed them before leaving.

On stepping outside, she found Yin Chen waiting with Liling and the woman was so happy to see her again.

Hugging her, she pulled away and said," I can't believe you're here. I'm so glad to see you."

"I had to come. How have you been?" she asked her. "Not so bad. I just missed you so much." "But we've been communicating Yin Chen." "Even then. I missed you and I must say that the only good thing about this misfortune was seeing you again. How have you been?" "Just fairly," she replied. "How is he?" "Still unconscious but out of danger at least," she replied. "That is better. I have taken so long without seeing him."

"You mean he never returns home?" she asked. "It's been months," she replied and she nodded. "Let me hope you're not leaving soon," she said. "I won't be leaving any time soon," she replied. "That is great. I will go and see him for a moment. Don't you dare go away. We still have a lot to talk about," said Yin Chen and Li Fei nodded in understanding.


Hey lovelies!

I dropped the second chapter of our new book called The Duke who loves me - The Duke &I.

Check it out if you haven't and please drop your comments on how you find the new book. Thank you.