Chapter 244 So embarrassed

When he saw tears coming from her eyes as she was still laughing so hard, he asked," Li Fei, are you alright?" She nodded her head as she continued laughing and clutched her belly. A while later, she stopped laughing and wiped off her tears. "Are you okay?" he asked confused and she nodded. "You're not mad at me?" he asked and she shook her head which got him more confused.

"Why's that?" he asked.

"Because I've been waiting for you to tell me," she replied. "I don't understand," he said.

Sighing, she said," You remember the time when I was tending to you in the hospital?"

"Yes. We spent two to three weeks in the hospital," he said. "Yes that time. One night when we were sleeping, you woke up in the middle of the night. You probably thought that I was sleeping and you left the bed slowly then tiptoed to the bathroom. It got me confused because, you were not supposed to be walking." "Oh my," he cursed as he covered his face with both hands. "I didn't confront you because I wanted to know what exactly was happening. Then the next day, I went through your phone and checked your conversation with Jing Yue and I found what I was looking for. He was urging you to be so careful so that I don't find out," she explained. He felt so ashamed of himself at the moment.

"You mean all along you knew?" he asked and she nodded although he wasn't looking at her.

"I'm so embarrassed," he said, his hands not leaving his face. He couldn't believe that all along, he was the idiot. She had been mocking him as he was acting. "I have been waiting for the day when you will come clean. Even though you've taken long, I'm glad that you have at least done it," she said.

"Why didn't you confront me? That would have spared me the shame," he said. "As I said, I was waiting for you to confess to me," she said as she went to him and removed the hands from his face. "I must admit that I was infuriated after seeing those messages. But when I thought about it, I understood. You were desperate to stop me from getting married to Jianyu and I think I would have done the same," she said but it didn't lessen his embarrassment. "Thank you," was all he said and she raised her eyebrows in question. "Thank you for existing," he said and she nodded.

When they laid back on the bed, he couldn't stop thinking. He was truly so embarrassed. All along, she was mocking him as he displayed his acting skills. Not long after, he felt her hands travel, massaging his body and he stiffened. Her one hand travelled from his chest and went downwards, until she reached the below of his abdomen. Before she could touch his manhood, he caught her hand on time and said," We should go to sleep." She looked at him and asked," Why? I want my husband. Is it a crime?" "Of course not. How could you think that?" he asked. "Then show me that it isn't a crime," she said sitting up.

"I'm just tired.. today was a long day," he said.

"You're lying. You haven't touched me in more than a month now," she reminded him before asking," Are you avoiding me?" "Of course not." "Oh I now understand. Since I'm pregnant and shapeless, you must have lost interest in me, right?" "Oh Lord, how can you think of that? You've never been more beautiful than you are right now, carrying our daughter." "Of course. No man could ever admit that he has lost interest in his wife. I wonder what will happen to me if I give birth to a third baby," she whined dramatically.

He looked at her and said," You don't know how I'm dying to make love to you right now- "

"Then show me. Don't just say it," she said.

"The truth is that... I find you so delicate right now. I fear that I might hurt the baby."

"Our doctor gave us different styles we can use. That is no excuse," she reminded him. "I know but it doesn't sit well with me. I fear that I might hurt the baby and I will never forgive myself if I do anything to her." "Nothing will happen. Surely, you don't know how hormones drive us when we are pregnant. Listen Jin Liwei. If you don't give me what I want, you will force me to repeat something I did in the past and I'm afraid that our baby's safety will be at risk if it happens. You choose," she finished as she looked away, holding her head high. He sat up and looked at her.

"Okay come here," he said as he guided her to sit on his lap, straddling him. As he kissed her, his hands reached for her pajama shirt and swiftly pulled it up.


Li Fei sat in front of the vanity mirror as Liling helped in styling her hair. "How do you like it here?" asked Liling. "Perfect. I didn't know you were so skilled in this," she said as she craned her neck side to side, checking out her appearance. "I have a lot of skills in so many things," she said as she pinned it so that it wouldn't loosen up. "Where's little Lian?" she asked. "Mom has been having her ever since we came here," she replied. "You're all set," said Liling and the next moment, Li Fei saw her clutching her stomach, her face twisting as though she was in pain. "Liling, you're okay?" she asked getting up. She didn't answer and a while later, she stood up straight and said," I'm fine now." "What was it? Cramps?" she asked. "I don't know. It's a sharp pain I have been feeling for quite some time now but it eventually goes away."

"For quite some time? You have to see a doctor. It could be something serious." "I hadn't considered it but I will go. Let's just celebrate today. it's a wonderful day," she said.