Chapter 251 It's time

Days were quick to pass and finally, months were passing. When Liling became six months pregnant, she was starting to get better and Jing Yue relaxed, thinking that he was worrying for no major reason.

In the afternoon, Liling visited the mall to shop some things for her babies and when she got done, she realized that the mall was not far away from Li Fei's work place.


"What are you even doing here?" Li Fei asked when Liling made way in her office.

"I told you I got better. Didn't I?" she said carefully taking a seat. "Yes you have indeed. Where are you coming from?"

"I'm from doing some shopping and I got this for little Lian," she said handing her a gift bag. "Wow, that's so thoughtful of you. Thank you," she said as she checked in the bag, and she found a pretty doll. "I'm sure she will like it," she said placing it back, "So tell me, is your husband aware that you're here?" "Not at all he wouldn't let me leave the house even for a moment. It is suffocating being in one place." "I understand. Your bump is so big. Six months is it?" she asked. "Yes." "One may think you're going in labor tomorrow," she said. "I know. I can't wait to meet them," she said. "I was feeling the same way," replied Li Fei. "Uh, I want to ask you something," said Liling and it got her attention.

"When you were this heavily pregnant, did you use to do it with Jin Liwei?"

She chuckled at the question and she replied," Yes. Why not?" "Jing Yue won't touch me," she complained. "Actually, Jin Liwei was starting to do the same and I didn't let him," boasted Li Fei. "Really? Tell me what I should do," their voices trailed as they continued with their conversation.

Two months were quick to pass and finally, Liling was eight months pregnant. During the entire period, she was busy in preparation of the due date which was a few weeks away.

She called Li Fei and asked to accompany her to buy the remaining of the baby things which she readily agreed to.

Meeting at the mall, the two went in and started shopping a number of things.

"Do you think we need more bottles?" she asked Li Fei. "You have more than enough," she told her and they walked to the next thing.

They bought a lot of things as the chauffeur paid and took them to the car.

At the end of the shopping spree, the two went to get something to eat.

"You know, I've been thinking. I wish some of our children end up romantically involved with each other," said Liling. "You're so silly," said Li Fei. "Why would you think that?"

"Because it would be nice and interesting. Just imagine." "Hmm, honestly it would be nice. You know what we should do, taking them to same schools and to picnics together," Li Fei suggested. "I'm afraid they will treat each other as siblings if we do that," said Liling. "You may be right. Anyway, we shall see - Liling are you alright?" she asked when she saw her face twisting as though she was in pain. A while later, she released a deep breath and said," I think it was a contraction. I'm fine now." "Are you sure?" she asked and she nodded.

When their food was brought, they started eating and went back to their conversation.

"Your mom called me yesterday," she informed. "Oh! Really?" she asked. "Yes. She wanted to know how I was doing." "I've taken almost a week without talking to her. I will call her today," said Li Fei. "She also told - wait, this can't be," Liling suddenly said. "What?" she asked. "I think my water just broke," she said looking at Li Fei wide eyed. "What? That can't be possible," said Li Fei getting up. "Yes I- aaahh!!" she screamed when she felt pain and Li Fei ran to her side. "But, isn't it too soon?" she asked looking at her confused. "I thought so too but it's real! I think it's time- aaah!"

Li Fei hurriedly got Liling's phone and called the chauffeur, asking him to rush to the restaurant in which they were. After, she called Jing Yue.

"My love," he answered when he picked up.

"This is Li Fei. I think Liling went into labor," she informed. "What?!!!" he exclaimed, as expected. "Yes. Her water broke and she's having multiple contractions."

"Where are you?!" he asked. "We are at the restaurant. I will go with her to the hospital," she informed.

"Oh my goodness! Okay, I will be waiting for you right there," he said and immediately hang up.

When the call ended, she realized that Liling was in multiple pai and a lot of people were looking at them.

"Can I be of any help?" asked a man and Li Fei who was going to accept saw the chauffeur coming to where they were.

"Thank you but our chauffeur is here," she informed and the man left. "You're going to carry her. Please be careful," she told him and he slowly got the screaming Liling and took her in his arms.

Li Fei collected all their things and ran to catch up to them. On their way to the hospital, she called Jin Liwei and informed him about what was happening.

By the time they reached the hospital, Liling was in so much pain and they found Jing Yue who had already reached anxiously waiting for them. She was placed on a stretcher and was rushed inside the delivery room.

Jing Yue was pacing back and forth as he looked for his phone. "I can't believe this happened. I thought there was still time," he said as he got his phone to call his parents.

"We thought so too. It is surprising how it happened now," replied Li Fei who was leaning against the wall. He pulled his hair frustratedly as he talked to his parents who said that they were on their way. Not long after, Jin Liwei arrived and he assured Jing Yue that everything was going to be alright.

"Thank you for being here," he told him. "Anytime," replied Jin Liwei.


Hey lovelies

I just dropped another book called His Sweet Temptation. Check it out please.