Chapter 254 Epilogue

A year later...

Li Fei sat in the car as she looked outside the window, seeing the trees that passed one after the other. Today marked a full year ever since her best friend Liling left them. She took a deep breath and exhaled loudly through her lips. She clearly remembers all the events of that day as if it happened just yesterday.

No one could tell what went wrong. She knew that she would never get over the pain and all she could do was to move on regardless.

As for Jing Yue, she doubted if he will ever be able to move on for he was so devastated, and he was up to now.

Somewhere at the back of her mind, she still felt guilty for not telling the truth to Liling about the death of one of her triplets. She hoped that wherever she is, she met with her daughter and that they were in peace.

"Ma'am, we are here," she was interrupted from her train of thoughts by her chauffeur who came to open the door for her.

She picked the flowers she had brought with her before getting out of the car.

Walking towards the cemetery, she caught sight of someone sitting on Liling's headstone.

Reaching the grave, she stood infront of him and called," Jing Yue." He raised his head and looked at her. "Uhm...How are you?" she asked and he only looked away. Of course, he's not fine. How stupid of her to ask, she thought.

She remained looking at him not able to come up with what to say. She knew that he was hurting so much because today was typically Liling's death anniversary. He slowly got up and stood up then said," Excuse me."

He passed by her and left when she followed him and called," Jing Yue." He stopped and she walked to stand in front of him.

"Uh...after here, I am going to see Huan and Juan. Why don't you come with me?" she asked hopefully.

"I can't," he deadpanned. "But Jing Yue, for a whole year, you've not seen them. You shouldn't hate them. You are their father and they need you," she said. "I don't hate them," he replied before adding,"They will be fine without me." She pursed her lips and said," I know that I shouldn't be saying this but... Liling won't be happy if you neglect them this much. She asked you to love and take care of them."

He simply glanced at her and walked away, leaving her staring at his retreating back.

With the death of Liling, Jing Yue had somehow shifted the blame onto the children and he had never seen them after her death.

His parents had taken them to their house where they have been living up to date.

He walked away from the cemetery taking slow steps as his hands settled in his trouser pockets.

Liling's death came as a shock to him because he had believed that everything was alright. To make things worse, he wasn't available to see her for the last time. He only arrived to be informed of the most devastating news of his life. He raised his hand to wipe the lone tear that slipped on his cheek and continued walking.

E. N . D


Hey lovelies,

Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting from where we started up to this far. I really really appreciate you guys.

Forgive me for ending our journey on such a sad note but I'm happy to announce that we have a continuation of this book called His Sweet Temptation, so please check it out from here.

On this journey, we are going to see how Jing Yue moves on and slowly, finds love again.

Thank you once again and I'm looking forward to seeing your love and support in our two new books;

His Sweet Temptation

The Duke who loves me - The Duke &I.

Author: Kironde Mariam.

Instagram: mari.tizzy (Please follow me for more updates)

And lastly guys, please leave your overall reviews assessing and analysing how you've found the entire book.