
the weirdest day 1

As the clock ticking in the class room one student is look at it as his feet start to tabbing in the ground and the same time his is humbing showing how impactience he is of waiting

'just a little bit more' say the student looking at the clock.

And then the bell rang

'yes is summer vacations!'shouted the student

'ok that is for this semester,have a great summervacation'Miss Robinson

everyone leaves execpt for the student that shouted

'Mr C please!Come at my office we need to talk' said Miss Robinson

C is a high school student who worn a blue hoodie and brown jean just like anyone he hate school and love summervacation

'oh no did i did something wrong again but i wanna go home and play video games'C thinks to himself

after school out C come to Miss Robinson office

'sit down C'Miss Robinson

'okay!'C reply

the teacher open her office drawers there a lot beer and wine in her drawer

'what the?'C confuse

'oops!wrong drawers'said Miss Robinson

'And also i am adlut' the teacher look at C

'make sense'C thinks

the teacher open a second drawers'here we go'and take out a paper,slam down into the desk

'do you what this is?'the teacher asked

'what the?' C confuse again

'this is your previous essay from the last summer vacation'said Miss Robinson

'so what is the problem,Miss Robinson?'C reply

'the problem is this esssay,every word in here is about your brother uses some sort of crazy sci-fi tools to prank you?)Miss Robinson

'what do you mean by that?'C asked

'well here you write on 19/6/2018 my brother use a teleportpot to teleport a stinks boom in to your room'said Miss robinson

'actualy is a sleeping gas he use it to stole my stuff but somehow when teleport it,it changes molecular turn into a stinks boom,ha i couldn't sleep that night'C reply

'i mean ray guns...!'Miss Robinson

C flashback his brotheer use Ray gun to destory his room

'lying detector'Miss Robinson

C still having flashback how his brother traps him a lot of wire to the lying dectator like in a horror movies to find his stuff

'and finally a ice beam what is that?'Miss Robinson

C flashback again when he was eating ice cream in the park his brother use a ice beam to froze C face to day to melt his face.C is day dreaming Miss Robinson snap her finguer woke up from day dream.

'the point is i don't like this essay i need you to fix it'Miss Robinson.

'oh no you don't mean...!'C

'yes, you have a lot of me summer vacation so your job is to write an essay topic what do you do in your summer vacation and if you don't you could always go to summer school 'Miss Robinson

'no,no,no i will do it!'C

C walk out of the room 'Oh C,i expect it will be good' Miss Robinson remind C

'i don't like doing homework but i can't not argue with the teacher!so what do i do?'C think to himself as he walk home.when he at arrive home,he open the door a voice call out 'hello' and then a sonic blast hit C in the chest sending him flying out of the house

'ahhhhhhh...'C sreamed

the voice then say 'experiment 187 failed'

a figuer come out is E with a note book,C little brother he wear a green hoddie,blue pantand a fez he younger than C two years old.

'agggghhhhh....'C sreamed in pain

'that is for eating my sandwich'E angry


'what is that?ahhh...'C asked

'ah is my sonic cannon!like it'E answer throwing away the headphone


'oh right you can't hear me,the hearing effect will disappear in a few minutes'E answer

'what going on?' M step outside

M is C and E mother

'E just blast me!Ah...'C

'E!what the hell?'M

M go to C side and help him stand up

E tried to explain but the sonic blast explored (sfx:kakaboom) in front of the house has big hole.E look at the hole and turn back and see M is angry she has a devil looking face

'oh no i am in trouble'E

'EEEEEEE...'M yells

minutes past E is cleanning and fixing the house,C look and sastitfy smile at E,E'guhhhhh',M prepare to go to work C show her to the car

'watch out E carefully for will you!'M

'don't worry Mom'C

'oh i am worry about him'M

C look at E turn ' we be fine' C

'okay but don't stay up to late,love you'M

'love you too'C

and then M go to work

'hey will you help me a hand with this door'E shouted

'okay i am here you don't have to shout'C

C tried to help E the door in sudden momments C let go of the door making E fall to the ground

'hey what the big idea!'E

'revenge is so sweet'C walk a away


C walk into the kitchen

'Huh,Mom put some grogcery list for you at the kitchen'C

C thinking about his essay 'what should i write?' While going though the door

'hey knuck head on the way to supermarket buy me a screwdriver okay'E shout

'Fine!anything else'C


'now don't just stand there go and buy me some stuff'E

C gone out to the supermarket

time skip again

C done buy grocery and on his way home but he heard a strange noise nearby

'that noise'C

he went on and check it out,the noise get bigger he follow the noise and saw it came from the abandon warehouse

'the noise is getting bigger,it came from that ware house'C

'should i go in?'C thinks and suddenly and strange creature appear that creature has no shape,no bone just like a shadow,2 red eyes

and it has been caught in a electricity net tried to escape 2 buff strange man comeby,their shoulder has a number on it(number1,2).C hide in the trees

'hey you thinks you going to escape form us?'number 2

number 1 look at the creature face'hmm',he stand up look number 2 'lock that thing carefully'

'hey you not the boss of me'number 2

number 1 punch number 2 in the face,number 2 hit in ground


'youuu....'number 2 tried to punch number 1 has been stopped by the ring of a phone in number 1 pocket (ring,ring,..)

'who is it?'number 2 asked

' the boss!'number 1 answer

'well answer it!'number 2

number 1 tab his phone and answer 'hi boss'number 1

'...'mysterious voice call

'yes it,...' number 1

'...'mysterious voice call

'yes,i am....'number 1

'...'mysterious voice call

'got it'number 1

then the phone hung up

'what did the boss say!'number 2

'she say stop fightting and get back to work'number 1

'how did she know!'number 2

'I don't know it sort happens...'number 1

'hahh let get back to work i don't want to get on her badside'number 2

the two begin go inside with the trap creature.back to C

'what just happened?'C

'i felt weird..why is my feet moving?'C

C follow the two man inside the warehouse and shock to see there is more creature just like the one he saw.C hide behind the walls and listening to the converstaions

number 2 throw the creature in the cage

'get in there you monster!'number 2

'it has a name you know' number 1

'oh yeah!what is it again?' number 2

'is it call timebeasts,the species that eat time of other species!...'number 1

'oh right!'number 2

the vibration of the cage that trap TimeBeast make the table near move and drop 2 key(a strange key'key number 1' and a key of the cage'key number2').Number 1 pick up and put it in the table.Number 2 jump and sit on the tableand turn on the TV

'ahhh...TV,it knows what i want' Number 2

'you pig...!'number 1 glance as number 2 disgust at his partner as the same time sit down at the nearest chair and read a book

'i should go..!but what is those keys...!?...'in his thought that he should run but he don't know what to do because he curious is so big he couldn't resist the mystery(pause for a momments you guys can't read the explanation or not either way is your choice.This is because C like may be up love with sovleing Mystery that he couldn"t resist it i say resist too much i should stop now!)

C come close at the table,pick the keys up quietly and look at it suddenly the cage full of angry timebeasts make a lot of noise

'hey quiet it down!!trying to wacth the game here!'number 2

'Phew!oh god i need to get out of here'C

number 1 tired of reading stretch his arm, accident look at his right and saw C tried to grap two keys

'Youuu!intruder!'number 1

'what?' number 2 turn back and see C

'ohh....'C regret to be here right now

to be countinued...!