Meeting the Instructors

I woke up early the next day. What greeted me when I opened my eyes was Madeleine standing next to my bed, her back slightly bent and her face closer to mine. I never noticed it at first since I was shocked and confused but she really is a beauty.

She had long black hair that has a faint purplish glow against the light. She had brown eyes and a mole at the side of her right cheek. With one glance you can see that she was strict, well-mannered and well-trained as a head maid. It was like the lady I met at first that was shocked and stammered with her words were just a weird dream and now the real one is right in front of me. She had a great body as well. Her curvaceous and mature body was greatly accentuated with the neat and proper maid outfit she was wearing.

'Damn, its so early... But I think I can get used to this. Waking up and seeing beautiful girls really is amazing.'

"Wake up, Honourable." She said with a smile. "Your instructors have arrived." She stood up straight and walked towards the front of my bed. There I see a cart carrying what seems to me was my breakfast.

"Honourable, please get up and eat your breakfast. As well as take a bath and wear the appropriate clothing for the activities you have for the day. If you need anything, I will be waiting outside of your room to lead you to your instructors." She gives a smile and a slight bow before she leaves my room.

"Ahh.." I got out of bed and did some basic stretching and head to the cart to eat my breakfast. After I finished, I went in front of the mirror.

'Whew, I guess its still too early for me to get completely used to my new body. How tall am I anyway? I'm guessing around 168cm? Pretty tall for a 14 year old. Just a bit more muscle and I could pass for a young model in my old world.' I thought as I stare at myself while I flex. After a while of self-assessment, I took of my clothes and head into the bath.

I wore simple clothes. A shirt with only two buttons, both of them undone, some slightly baggy pants and leather boots. I head outside of my room and saw Madeleine waiting at the side.

"I'm ready, lead the way."

Madeleine nods. "Yes, Honourable." She walked ahead of me and I followed.

Looking closely now as I walk down the halls, I realized something.

'This can't be the medieval times. It's more in between that and the renaissance period.' I looked around taking in the structure of the place.

The walls were white and contained different paintings, ornaments, and artifacts. The floor was also white, albeit a bit dirtier than the walls and the middle was covered with a red carpet with gold lining at the sides.

'I guess I could test out my [Identify] skill here.' I thought as I focus on the walls for a few seconds until a screen popped up.


A natural stone that looks similar to marble but is as durable as granite.

'It works, huh.'

A couple minutes of walking and testing out my skill, I started to understand it better.

'Saying the word in my mind is better than just focusing for a couple of seconds. It seems like the name of the skill is some sort of activation word.' As I was thinking to myself, Madeleine's voice was heard.

"We're here, Honourable." She says as she opens up the ornate doors and gestures me to come inside. 'I swear every door in this place looks the same to me.' I thought.

"Oh look! The Hon has arrived. Eh? He's so skinny, do you think he can even raise a sword?" A manly but gruff voice exclaimed.

"Don't be like that. That's why you're going to train him. Besides, he might just be more inclined to magic like me." Another man's voice sounded out.

"Now now, before we start assessing our new student, we should introduce ourselves first." A soft and calm female voice rebutted.

"Then allow me to introduce you." This voice I recognized. This voice was my father's voice. "John, these people are your instructors. One for magic training, one for physical training, and one for broadening your knowledge. They are Adam Hart, Lucas Mason, and Cleo Matthews respectively. I've travelled with them when I was younger and I can guarantee that they are experts in their field. You are very lucky to have them as your teachers." Connor stressed. I look at the people that he has introduced.

Adam Hart was a young man with a nice build. He was different from the mages I had in my mind. He didn't wear an oversized robe and had a beard with a giant staff he uses as a walking stick but instead he was refined. He wore a flashy robe, a shirt with a vest on underneath and good-fitting pants with a leather belt and nice clean leather boots. He had a fair complexion, kempt brown hair and dark brown eyes. At the side of his belt, there seems to be a kind of holster or scabbard but instead of housing a gun or a blade of some sort, it was holding a stick. It wasn't just an ordinary stick, the likes you can find fallen from a tree. It looked like roots intertwining each other and formed the shape of a stick.

'That's a wand...' The thought that immediately came to my mind as I saw it.

The next person was Lucas Mason. This guy was completely different from Adam Hart. He had a darker complexion, tan almost with medium length black hair tied to a bun and black eyes. At first glance, you'd think that he was wearing nothing but a vest in his upper body but with closer inspection you can see a shirt with its sleeves crudely ripped off underneath it. He also wore tight pants and some worn-out boots. This guy was a big burly man. He was over two meters tall and had very big muscles over his body. There were also scars all over his arms giving him a more intimidating look. He was standing with his hands on his hips and on his back you could see a giant sword. The sword was around a meter and a half long and around 20-30cm wide.

'If thats the sword you were talking about then I definitely can't carry that!' I exclaimed in my mind.

Sitting across Adam Hart, was Cleo Matthews. She seemed young at first but when you look closer you can see that she was the oldest amongst the three. Although she was the oldest, that didn't degrade her beauty even by a tiny bit. She had the lightest complexion and you can see some wrinkles on her face. She had black hair with white streaks down to her shoulders and had black eyes as well. She wore men's clothing too. She had similar clothing with Adam Hart minus the robe and she wore more monotone colors. She looked very simple. However, she carried an air of authority and seniority which just makes you want to respect her.

'She's a teacher alright... And she seems like a good one. Hopefully.' I thought as I look at her.

'Maybe I should test my [Identify] skill on them.' I thought and I did. I looked at Lucas Mason and said 'Identify' in my mind. A screen popped up.


Name: Lucas Mason

Age: 36

Level: ???

HP: ???

Mana: ???

'Huh, that's weird. What's with the question marks? Is my level too low or is my identify skill too basic? I'll test it out more later.' I shake my head and started to introduce myself.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you. My name is John Colton and I'll be in your care." I said as I give a respectful bow.

"He seems like a nice kid." Adam said.

"Don't worry kid! I'll make a real man out of you yet!" Lucas exclaimed as he bellowed with laughter.

"Such a graceful young man." Cleo complimented.

"Great! Now that everyone is acquainted, I'll leave you guys to determine your schedule. I have some matters to attend to." Connor said. "Oh and John, good luck." Connor smiled at me before he left the room. I was confused with what he meant but little did I know, this was the start of my hellish training.