I froze.
Blue eyes. The darkest I'd ever seen stared back at me. Blue eyes as dark as the turbulent waters in the titanic. Blue eyes so dark and stormy, I wondered how many people had got lost and drowned in them. Blue eyes that pierced through me with so much intensity, I should've stepped back.
I couldn't find words.
And only when his gaze dropped to my hand, did I clear my throat and come back to my senses. "Erica insisted that I come."
His face was expressionless, just like his eyes. They were back to looking at me. Something about how his gaze lazily dragged up and down my face made me swallow. He was scrutinizing me. He was staring right into my soul. It seemed like too much work to even hold his gaze. I wondered if he liked the colour of my lipstick.
"Happy Christmas Eve, Young."