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Chapter 1

••• Emile Kiddie POV •••

I'm in my room preparing for my medical consultation. I take a bath, brush my teeth etc... my everyday routine. I put on a red sheath gown. A flowing body-conscious silhouette gown with black peep-toe heels.

Once I'm done, I hurry downstairs.

“Good morning mommy!.”

I happily get down the stairs screaming at the top of my melodious voice like a rhythm. I take a sharp glance around the house. I perceive my mum busy making breakfast in the kitchen. I ride and hug her tight.

“Emile!....” She yells my name. Yet, I stick on her. Gripping her tighter. Her body is slightly cold and I love it.

“I can't breathe!.” She barely can chuckle. Thou she wants to burst into laugh right now. I don't mind giving her several perks on her jaw. I love this early morning warmth that she bestows.

“Good morning mum!.” I then realise her after giving countless perks. I know she loves my crazy ass. She is my muse. I'm shy with others but not with mum!. I hurriedly take a seat.

“You need love, my girl!.” she looks at me and grins. I love this smile of hers.

“I have you!. I love you and you love me this is enough for me!.” I answer with a stunning glance.

“Don't be silly girl!. I mean you need a man in your life to constantly shower you with love and enormous sensation that me your mother can't give you!.” she caresses my hairs. Immediately fix back my hairs at her touch. She is chartering my hairs in the name of caress. More to that I don't understand what she is trying to mean.

“Mum, you give me all the love I need!. I’d think I need some extra presently!.”

She doesn't say anything she stares at me wig a conny smile.

“Just on time!. Breakfast is done!.”

She dishes out. Toasted bread with scrambled eggs and tea.

OMG!. I hate this tea. It's not normal tea and sugar as you might think. It's tea mixed with some of her special concoctions. Very disgusting in my mouth.

“Emile make sure you drink all your tea this time. No silly excuses!.” She urges as she notices the weird gaze on my face when she places the tea by me. I feel as break this glass of tea. Unfortunately, it won't stop her from making another one.

I start eating quickly like a hungry dog. Once I'm done eating the food I rush out like I'm late for my appointments. All this drama just to avoid drinking her concoction.

“Emile, you haven't touch your tea!.” She yells as she watches me depart.

“Sorry, mum!. I'm late for my consultation!.” I answer as I disappear from her site.

“OMG!.” I praise the heavens as I succeed in escaping.

She smirks!.

“Children! they think that they are smarter!. I added some powder of the concoction into her eggs!. What she doesn't know won't kill her.” She laughed as she watches me leave!.

I stop at the station and I take a bus to the Saint “Agnes’s hospital”. Catholics believe that Saint Agnes died a virgin!. She is like my alma mater!.



Once I reach the hospital, I rush to the receptionist. It's a fat woman seated on her chair with the hospital uniform. I'm on time. The bus did waste time today.

“Hello Madam, how may I help you!.” The receptionist greets with all the formalities.

“Hi, I'm Emile kiddie. I'm here for a check-up with doctors Jones!.” I retort with a greeting first. She quickly checks on her computer and gets back to me.

“Okay, madam a nurse will take you to a consultation room. Mr Jones will be here shortly!.” she kindly explains with a soft smile on.

She then calls for a nurse who takes me to the room. OMG! the worse nurse ever. She complains about her boyfriend till we reached the room. To a total stranger as if I care!. “What the hell is wrong with her!. Does she knows my problems?.” I cry deep within. As we reach the room, I climb on the small consultation bed. While the nurse fixes all the necessary for the consultation and lament on her Self. She bores me with her stories and I fall asleep. She, later on, leaves.

I remain asleep!.

“I'm here to do an artificial insemination to Madam Emily Dickinson!.” The doctor shouts as he enters the room. There is a net separating us.

“Yes, doctor!.” I shudder out of sleep at the sound of his voice without understanding his question.

He walks future to the table.

“I'm doctor John McCain I'm replacing Mr Jones for the day!. He had an emergency and he couldn't show up!.” He introduces his self.

While I rub my eyes with my hand to see clearer. I take my usual position for the consultation. I lay on my back and I spread my legs!.

“Shit!.” Then I remember that I have an interview today. Instantly check my watch and I notice that I have spent more time than expected at the hospital. This interview is so important in my life. It's in one of the biggest institutions in our country. I can't miss this lifetime opportunity.

“Madam Emily, you gonna feel a little pinch. Be rest assured it's won't be long!.” Mr John McCain explains. I don't give a f*ck about all that he says. All I want is to leave this place ASAP.

“Ouch!.” I howl as he inserts some weird tiny object into my cervix. Mr Jones has never pinched me this deeply. Maybe this doctor McCain is a pervert!. I frown!.

“Madam Emily we are done!.”

He notifies me. He didn't waste time as old Mr Jones.

I Immediately arise, pick up my stuff to leave while uttering... “See you in six months or Mr Jones!.”

“He has a weird way of pronouncing my name!.” I smirk as I walk away. However, I don't care. I'm happy he didn't waste more time. Thou, it's weird having a total stranger Stary my private. I hope they won't change him next time.

“Six months?.” Mr McCain remains dumbfounded as watches me leave. Uttering six months instead of a month or so.



Normally, I go for a check-up every six months. I was treated of a pelvic inflammatory disease which nearly took my womb along. Reason for the check-ups and my mum’s weird tea concoction.

OMG, she is more frightened than me by the idea of her only daughter getting infertile. While all I care about is to find a good job, succeed in life and make her happy. Children can come after that. She suffered a lot for me and to pay for my treatments. She also needs moments of happiness. I have never seen her relax. She keeps solving one problem after another.

Now it's still hard for us to cope with life expenditures, my drugs etc... They are damn expensive. Yet, she doesn't give up. She keeps fighting like a loin in a juggle. She does the hardest part yet I keep depressing must of the times.

When I say youngsters insulting their mother or parents, I say “wow, wow, wow!.”.



I'm practically running to the bus station, I don't want to be late for this interview. All my life and dreams depend on it. As I take my left leg further It unexpectedly declines deeper than expected. I get unstable and stumble luckily I don't fall.

I bend down to release that one side of my heel has broken. I remove my shoes and I run into the bus with both pairs in my hands.



“Hello Mr Dickinson, your wife didn't show up for her appointment at the hospital today. I was asked to inform you!.” The receptionist calls. An unexpected cold look swipes over his faces as he answers the call.

“Shit!.” Mr Dickinson yells as he carries the beautiful glass pitcher on his table and hits it on the wall!. He unties his tie Groaning in fury!. He clenches his fists so rigid that it slightly cut into his palms as he drops the phone.

“F*ck!. He looks like a beast right now!.” My heart falls into my stomach!. I start sweating in fear that he might hurt me in the process!.