Clarks POV

She really looked as shocked as hell, geez!! What if it was real then she would be dead already by seeing about 2, 000 views in just a second.

Her eyes were already clouded with tears as she blinked to avoid it from coming out.

"Clark how could you do this to my life huh!, what good has it done to do" she said "there is no need to live again I will just kill myself and maybe you will be okay" she said as she took the penknife on her table raised it ready to stab her self as I ached my eyebrows in shock, does she really intend killing herself?.

"Hey chill…didn't post it publicly" I said as she looked at me visibly confused.

"What do you mean by that, are you still playing with my emotions?" She asked as she sat on the chair looking really frustrated and dropped the knife on the table.

Now this is silly…one thing I hate is being doubted when actually I am serious and now this aurora girl is pissing me off.

"Look here bitch!, I got no time for arguments, your dirty nude wasn't posted to my main account, it was posted To the account which I opened to stalk you and it has just my main account as a friend" I said as she looked at me for a while.

"What about the picture?, anyone can still see it hence it is public" she said as she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"It is set to only me, only I can see it I will quickly delete it and the account too" I said, peering through my phone as she heaved a sigh of relief.

I noticed she was still lying on top of me, I looked into her beautiful face as her nicely shaped nose attracted me, she got pretty rosy lips that attracted me that I nearly kissed it.

This isn't right, I shouldn't be thinking of such a thing, she's an enemy.

"Hey get your dirty self out of my body!" I shouted as I pushed her to the ground, her cheek turned red in embarrassment as she slowly stood up.

"I…i…i am sorry" she said as I scoffed and stood up from the bed.

"I think i have overstayed my welcome here, I will just get going" I said

"You were never welcomed, you came uninvited and you really need to go quickly before fiona comes back! Please leave right away!" She said pushing me out.

"Hey, let go of my dress before it gets stained. Do you know how much it costs?Do you wanna rumble it?" I shouted as she pushed me out of the gate and clinged it lock.

"Get the fuck off! And I never wanna see you in this estate ever again fool!" She shouted as she banged her door lock.

That girl is really crazy…

I got into my black range rover and drove out of the estate to the road, my drive was quiet and cool as my phone beeped, it was sage's message asking me to come to the whites club.

That isn't in my record today, I don't just want to mix up with nobody today, if I wanna get girls I got lots of them ready to get into my bed for free in other just to have little thing to do with me, it's only that aurora girl that's playing hard to get with me.

I got home, stripped off my clothes and went straight to the john to free some waste (poop) and took my bath. I wore a milk coloured short and a white singlet which barely covered my chest.

I looked round my room to notice how dirty it looked, what have these fools been doing since morning huh? What are they being paid for?.

I angrily trailed down the stairs to see one of the cleaners sitting comfortably on the couch watching a home video as if she could afford the remote control.

Mom made them this free, mom doesn't treat them as maids that they are, she treats them so well that you would think they are related to us and all this pisses me off and they know that, they try to make sure they avoid doing stuffs to annoy because I fire them without thinking twice.

We have over a hundred workers in our mansion and that's why mom never knows when anyone is fired. I angrily pulled the girl's hair as she squealed in pain.

"Is this what you are here for?To watch movies and laugh over it like a fool?Why is my room still dirty?" I asked pulling her hair tighter.

"I…i…i…ouch! sir I will go tidy up your room immediately please let go of my hair" she said in a cracky voice as I slowly realised her hair and kicked her on her butt.

"Better do that quickly…

"before you get yourself fired!" I shouted as she bowed and ran upstairs.

I sat down on the couch as the thought of Aurora popped back into my head. Why do I have to keep thinking of her? She actually made me miss class today and here I am thinking of her, not like I will ever get to have her in bed.

I signed and waved the dirty thought off my head, I shouldn't be thinking of having any kinda sexual affair with that dowdy lady.

I took the remote and changed it to a sports channel as the glass made the door flung open as one of my hottie slut came in looking really angry.

Why is she here looking this angry…

"What the fuck are you doing in my house univited huh?, and have you lost your manners to one of your clients?" I asked as she scoffed

"You shouldn't be asking me that, you should be thinking of how to take me in as a wife because I am carrying your unborn baby" she said as she sat down on a couch with her legs crossed.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as I wrinkled my forehead.

"Oh… seriously clark!, fucking pregnant for you!" She said as she blew her gum into a balloon as I heard a gasp from behind, I turned to see our youngest cook eavesdropping on our discussion.

"You are fired!" I said and continued my discussion and she dared not interrupt me with her silly pleadings. I turned back to mia.

"Are you seriously fucking me?, for goodness sake I am not the only person you fuck, you fuck as a profession so what the fuck are you saying.

" Don't forget you are the only one that fuck me raw huh" she reminded me as I breatened her.

"Alright I wanna see the DNA test" I requested as she handed me the paper on her hand, I went through it and realized that it was fake.

"Really… mia you really hand to fake this shit!?, security!!!" I shouted angrily as two out of them rushed out and bowed "that this mad slut out of my house and don't let anyone in again!" I ordered.

"Yes sir!" They obliged and took her out as she struggled her way out with them.

"Clark, you will regret this!!" She said from outside as I heard her car zoom off as the sound slowly faded away.

Almost immediately my mom came in with the few guards and maids she took with her as they took her luggage's in.

Why is she back so soon huh, she came back without calling me thank God she didn't meet mia if not she would have seen hell.

I hugged her because I missed her motherly troubles.

Aurora's POV

Fiona woke me up early the next morning which kept me wondering why because I had told her that I wouldn't do any chores again in the house hence she said I was useless.

"Aurora quickly dress up and get your things ready. I am expecting you down the stairs in just thirty mins" she said as she made to walk out of my room.

"Where am I going this early?" I asked her

"You are going to your new home, the person is here" she said as I wrinkled my forehead.

"Seriously Fiona…you told me this shit yesterday and here you are expecting me to go today without thinking over it?" I said as my eyes went blurry in tears.

"You have no choice, get ready quickly" she said and left.

This is serious…

I dressed and got my stuff ready as I painfully trailed down the stairs to the parlour as my eyes caught surprise.

Queen Marguerite the Queen of England in my house!?.

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