"Zach! Please help me!" Another message read. I debated on going to get aid to see if she was truly in danger. I doubted it to be something serious but with the amount if repeated texts buzzing into my phone I decided to check up on her.
"Where are you?" I texted back and another text entered my phone in less than a minute.
"At Sylvia's house, I'll text you the address now" a new message read and I waited.
"Make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back!" I told Devin as I started the engine of my car, he looked confused but then how was I supposed to explain to him when I don't even know what it is about.
"Zach, please hurry!" Another message popped up on my phone's notification bar.
It must've been urgent for her to send these much text to me so I increased the speed at which I drove hoping that the cops aren't around.
I eventually got to the house where the address had described but it didn't look like someone would be in danger here.