Chapter 10

Arthur had spent half an hour hunting boars and monsters to refine his technique of dull cutting and impregnation of mana in the sword, just when he finished, Arthur kept the bodies of the boars in his Big Pocket Maximum and left towards the village.

Arthur could see the light coming from the village, however, he felt that something was not right, the orange light that could be seen in the sky was not only from the sunset... it was also from fire, but it was not according to a normal bonfire, it seemed bigger and was accompanied by a lot of smoke, the smoke alerted Arthur and he ran at full speed with physical strengthening magic, the closer he was, the more he could smell the smoke thanks to his great sense of smell, fearing the worst he decided to run on all fours along with the physical strengthening magic...

In the town of Omah, home of Arthur, a great fight had broken out between the humans and the Beastskins and although the latter were greater in numbers, they were not in magical power, this caused casualties in the Beastskins, there were dismembered bodies everywhere, burned houses with women and children inside them where the only thing that could be heard were the screams of agony of the people who were burned alive inside.

There were adult adventurers and even youngsters of only 16 and 17 years old killing... slaughtering other young Beastskins, and as they did so, the little Beastskins begged for mercy, for mercy, the adults begged to let the children escape, especially one mother protecting her two young children behind her pleaded with the youngsters.

-Please let my children go, they are not even 10 years old, please do whatever you want with me but let them go! -The mother shouted with tears in her eyes while her children could only cry in fear.

-Hahaha, why should I listen to you, you are just a stupid animal that is not worth anything... ooh... yes, you are worth 5 gold coins, and your children will be 15 coins HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! -The mother looked at him with fear but saw the small opportunity to escape while the adventurer laughed, so she tried to push him, but when she did it, her right arm was cut up to the elbow, the Beastskin could only scream in pain while blood dripped from her arm. -HAHAHAHAHA WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE, SHOW YOUR CHILDREN HOW YOUR STUPID ARM HAS BEEN CUT OFF, HAHAHAHAHA, DO IT YOU STUPID ANIMAL! -That young adventurer took her by the back of the neck and made her look at her children who were only crying for their mother.

-Ah... t...Everything will be b...fine... Children, nothing... will... happen... to... you.... -Mother Beastskin cried out in pain as she finished speaking, for that young adventurer had burned her left hand with his fire magic.

-MOM! -The children screamed for their mother as they saw her hand being burned.

-NOW YOU WILL BURN TO DEATH IN FRONT OF YOUR STUPID CHILDREN, JUST LIKE THE ANIMAL YOU ARE, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! -That young adventurer continued to watch with satisfaction the suffering of that Beastskin as well as the children, and while he stopped laughing he slowly raised his right hand upwards. -Fire magic - ignis pariete! -As she finished saying the spell, she lowered her hand quickly, expelling a great flame of fire that covered her entire body, except her head.

That Beastskin woman could only scream in pain, an immense pain that increased every moment, even rolling on the ground could not extinguish it, Her children who were behind her, could only see her with fear and shock, for her screams of agony were heard as clear as water, and while their mother was burning alive, that young adventurer laughed at her with great force.

And just before she perished in those magic flames, he turned to look at his beloved children and uttered his last words. -Run! Children! Run!

And although the children understood the words of their mother, they could not escape, because their bodies did not react, and the next thing they would see was the charred body of their mother, and the only thing that was not burned was her face, those children stretched their arms to touch her face, but what happened next, was that the adventurer cut her head, and took her by the hair lifting her up in front of the children splashing blood on their faces.

-hahahahahahahahaha, that's 20 gold coins! -She shouted with happiness in her voice, and then looked at the children and smiled. -Hmm, haha... Now it's 30." He said while looking at the children, they looked at him, without any emotion on their faces. -Tch... How boring. -The young adventurer answered, and then cut off their heads from which blood dripped along with their bodies, the boy kept the heads of that little family in a big cloth sack.

That young adventurer was about to retire to hunt more Beastskins, and just as he was going for the next Beastskin he felt a large amount of Mana approaching, so he jumped to the right and then unsheathed his sword to block a sword covered in Darkness.

-BASTARD BASTARD! -Arthur shouted with fury on his face.

-HAHAHA, FINALLY SOME FUN! -shouted the young man with joy.