Chapter 16.

At the same time that happened, in another part of town was walking with a serious face Brock, the fox Beastskin, before going home, he had passed by the liquor store in town, without caring about the look of others he headed home while drinking a beer.

When he was in front of his door he stopped while he looked at the door, when he stretched his hand to open the door, his hand and he stepped back for a small moment, and with some heaviness he entered his house, it was a big house, for more than one person, in it there was not even a candle that gave light, only a few dusty windows let the rays of the sunset pass through.

Brock let out a slight sigh as he said with some heaviness, "I'm home", without waiting for an answer he proceeded to take a long drink of his beer.

Brock walked to a piece of furniture located in his living room in front of the fireplace that remained off, however his gaze was not on the fireplace, but on a picture that was hanging over the fireplace, while watching it, his gaze showed sadness and some anger, he watched it for five minutes, Suddenly he folded his hands and looked down at the floor, as if he were praying, but unlike Margaret, he did not thank the gods, on the contrary, he cursed them from the depths of his heart, every word that came out of his prayer to the gods was impregnated with the purest hatred and contempt.

His faith towards the gods was null, a long time ago he had faith towards the gods, however, that was over, because a great tragedy for him took away that blind faith towards the gods.

Just when Brock took a light swig of his beer he threw the bottle against the fireplace causing it to break and spill the alcohol on the wood and coal.

-"Alcohol my ass! -He snapped his fingers and a flame shot out of them, igniting the spilled alcohol in the fireplace. -Another day, another misery..... I hope to see you soon. -I hope to see you soon," he said before falling asleep on the furniture from exhaustion.

And in contrast to his companions, there is the last of the three strongest in the village, Lion, the biggest and most robust Beastskin in the village, but don't let his stocky appearance confuse you, he is actually very kind and charismatic.

When Lion walked through the door of his home he was greeted by two small Beastskins (Lion and tiger cross) of 10 and 9 years old, both had big blond hair with light brown streaks in their hair, and both had light brown eyes.

-HAHAHA. -The father laughed as he carried them both. -How did you children behave today, did you take care of your mother? -Lion asked his two sons with a cheerful smile.

However, before the children could answer their father, their mother answered first. -Come on dear, they are still children. -The wife who was a Tiger Beastskin with beautiful golden colored hair with dark brown locks in it, she had a voluptuous and beautiful body in sight, her beautiful curves would not go unnoticed even from a hundred meters away, however, that was not her only outstanding feature, as her height is no less than 1.73, however, she was still smaller than her husband Lion who is two meters tall.

-Haha, come on Mesuno, always so diligent. -Lion replied to his wife with a smile.

-And what mother wouldn't be? -She answered with her arms crossed and then looked at her husband carefully. After observing him for a second she went to him and took the children from Lion's arms, that seemed strange to Lion, and when Mesuno put both children on the floor and then gave him a blow in the abdomen, Lion when receiving the blow spit out all the air he had in his lungs along with what he had eaten that morning.

-What the fuck is wrong with you woman? -Lion barely answered as he tried to catch his breath.

-What the fuck is wrong with you, why haven't you deactivated that blessing? -I replied in annoyance as I looked at him angrily.

The children of Lion and Mesuno who were no more than a meter away were watching, but unlike what some would believe, they were not scared or anything like that, on the contrary, they found fun in these acts of their parents.

-We just arrived in the middle of the day and we ran into that stupid Beastskin fox/wolf, he woke up like crazy and almost attacked us, by instinct I activated it and forgot to deactivate it after that. -He was still kneeling on the ground looking at his wife with some fear.

-You've been away for a week, doing missions in the guild and I would bet that you didn't deactivate it even when you were sleeping, now deactivate it and then you will go to eat everything I prepared with us and rest for a week if necessary, or else I will tell Brock to put you to sleep, did you hear? -Mesuno replied with a firm voice as well as his look, on the other hand Lion looked at her with some fear.

This made his children burst out laughing, because seeing such a scene was comforting for them after not seeing their father for a whole week.

in this house you could certainly see what a Beastskin family is all about, they were sweet, cheerful and were even tough when they had to be, they were carefree in a couple of things, however, they were also cautious with Humans.

And speaking of Beastskin villages, this is without a doubt, one of the villages that treated humans with the most care, for here were several Beastskins with great magical power.

A lonely fox Beastskin who hates the gods and humans, a Wolf Beastskin, mother of 2 beautiful Beastskin and thanks the gods for the profits and health, and finally, a Great Lion Beastskin, cheerful and with a large family who loves him, however, he seems to give a little the same to the gods.

But even so, with their many differences in life, there is one thing in common that unites them, something that unites all the Beastskins in the kingdom, something that has followed them for over fifteen hundred years, their hatred, their repudiation of humans, those who despise them, those who murder and enslave them for fun, but the Beastskins have waited patiently for an opportunity, for a miracle, for a hero, for an avenger, for a King who will lead them to glory and the place that belongs to them.