In the town of Troha the voices of the Beastskin can be heard, people talking happily about the great power of Lord Lion and Lord Brock, and although everyone in town admires and respects Chief Margaret, they can't help but think that her great magical power is a waste on someone like her.

-I know the Chief is incredibly powerful, but that power can't be harnessed if she can't do anything against humans. -A gray wolf beastskin mentioned.

-I know, but that's not her fault and you know it, besides, there is no Beastskin that can help her, and there is no human that wants to help her. -A black wolf Beastskin answered.

-... -This time, the gray wolf Beastskin kept silent, because she was right.

On the other side of town, in the wounded building to be more exact, there were "The Three Beastskins".

In it were "The Big Three of Troha" along with the Daughters of Chief Margaret and about 10 magician healers.