" Harris" it's so nice to hear to convert our business into relationship. thank you very much Elvis.
" Elvis" I am happy too and we can see them both know each other but they are acting in front of us.
" Harris" that's why I am thinking heaven usually don't speak freely with others but she spoke so easily with Ethan. Ha! Ha! Ha! They both are hiding something. Harris and Elvis laughing together and giving shake hand.
" Harris" let them continue their relationship we will keep eye on them, let them enjoy young age and they both need to finish their studies also.
"Elvis" I totally agree with you Harris. We must tell their mom about this and let them be happy too.
" Heaven cut the cake Everyone enjoyed the party and heaven and friends took many selfies and include many funny poses.and All returned.
Heaven's friends gathered after party in garden to play games, Ethan,Mia,Lisa,Mary,Felix,mark.