Chapter 8 : Antidot of Voghma Poison

"Come with us!" they replied.

But suddenly their hologram disappeared. Right in front of him appeared a small triangular plane, then they got into the plane and changed places. They headed to the great pyramid located in the center, the building was surrounded by three pyramids on the outside. Arriving at the most central building, then the plane landed and then Turghaderra and Zantrivha got off.

Now they were standing in front of a giant gate that was quite high, when the gate opened and they entered. This time they entered on foot and did not float. At the end of the room there is a very large circular hall, before long a light blue flash of electricity appears and forms a human form complete with layers of skin and hair. There were a total of eight energy humans in the room. The biggest one among them then spoke.

“My name is Idramelva, leader of the Arleztrian nation and what you will meet there is a hologram of all of us.”

"Introduce, my name Zantrivha, let me show you something clearer," replied Zantrivha.

Zantrivha took out a rice-sized chip from inside his palm called Hiballa, then the chip took out a hologram and revealed Rhadelva's face, then the hologram Rhadelva said "My name is Rhadelva, salutations to the king of the Arleztrians from us Fresthazians. As you know, the planetary trajectory of Delgomma enters the zone of the Verghom nation's authority and also enters the zone of the Fresthazia nation's territory. The two nations fought over the planet, finally the Fresthazia colonized the planet Delgomma and became the Dellgomia nation, their job was to use the Dellarium crystal for development purposes, but the Verghom saw it as a threat and then attacked the Dellgomia nation and they wanted to control the Dellarium metal on the planet."

The Verghom people's weapons are far above us because they say that we have the help of the Arudha people, so we can't fight them. That's why we sent envoys to get a solution from you, dear Arleztrians."

Idramelva replied “Okay, I will visit and have a meeting with the leader of the Arudha nation, because the Verghom nation is under the leadership of the Arudha nation. "

It turned out that among the eight people there was one person peeking at Zantrivha. Zantrivha saw him and shouted "Hey Mardhevarra, what are you doing here?"

“Keep your voice down,” Turghaderra whispered.

"How did you know Mardhevarra?" asked Idramelva.

Zantrivha explains "He gave weapons to the Golltraz people and in return, he asked for marrow liquid from the animals Darhalla and Zarvesh, he also sent down rain that could energize the citizens, so they worshiped him."

All the energy humans present had their eyes fixed on Mardhevarra but he denied "Sorry but that's not true because what you said is something that is forbidden by the Arleztrian nation"

Turghaderra then whispered to Zantrivha "Let it be, just focus on your original goal."

Idramelva said "Then we will go to the king of the Arudha nation and hopefully this can end the planetary conflict Delgomma, please return to your home planet with the plane you just used."

Then they together made a time and space Portal with the energy from his hands, they all entered the Portal including Mardhevarra.

Zantrivha and his father finally left the majestic room and outside the gates they went straight into the triangular plane. In the cockpit, an interplanetary map appears, Zantrivha selects the planet Fresthazuur. Slowly the plane began to leave the atmosphere of the planet Arleztrian, while in the passage of time, suddenly Mardhevarra disappeared and separated from his friends.

When Zantrivha and his father's plane was out of the atmosphere, suddenly Mardhevarra appeared beside the plane and shot energy from his hand towards the plane. Zantrivha suddenly dodged swiftly.

"Let me control the plane, I'm a good pilot," said Turghaderra.

Then they switched positions, while Zantrivha recorded what was happening with the special device on the plane, Turghaderra rode the plane and avoided Mardhevarra's attack.

"Father, quickly get into the meteor trajectory!" Zantrivha said.

They entered the meteor track area, while Mardhevarra chased from behind. The plane dodged the shot and avoided the meteor trajectory which was quite fast, the area was a trajectory filled with large rocks.

After passing through the trajectory, the plane fired the opening beam of the time and space Portal, then the plane entered the Portal but Mardhevarra did not enter.

Exiting the Portal, the plane arrived on the planet Fresthazuur, then landed in the palace courtyard, they descended and were surprised to see the deserted palace. Zantrivha asked one of the citizens "Where are the residents of the palace?"

He replied "They are fighting on the planet Delgomma assisted by the Golltraz people, because the Verghom people have taken over the planet Delgomma and poisoned the Dellgomia people."

The two of them immediately got into the plane and flew towards the planet Delgomma using the Time and Space Portal. When they got there the war was going on, the Verghom planes were fighting against the Fresthazia. Meanwhile the Dellgomians are in a helpless condition because they have been poisoned, they are being held in prison on the Verghom nation's plane.

Turghaderra and Zantrivha's planes immediately joined the battle, Zantrivha communicated with Rhadelva, he used the plane and joined the fight.

Rhadelva said "I'm glad you guys are back, now for the task, you guys get into the Verghom nation's mothership and get the anti-venom serum in the crystal jar and let me open the way."

“All right,” Zantrivha replied.

Turghaderra who controlled the plane sped towards the Verghom nation's aircraft carrier, he fired the aircraft identification sensor on the side of the entrance, so planes of any nation were free to enter.

When they entered, they were immediately surrounded by a number of troops, Turghaderra also fired a magnetic wave adhesive so that enemy rifles stuck to the fuselage. The plane then landed and then after they left shortly there were troops coming in quite a number, they raised their hands, the troops approached while brandishing weapons.

Turghaderra and Zantrivha were now cornered surrounded by many troops. Suddenly there was a strong shot that hit all the troops until all the troops died instantly with burns to the chest. The shooter approached, he was seen dressed all in black, then he took off his helmet.

"Come with me, you're looking for an antidote right?"

"How did you know?" Zantrivha asked.