Chapter 16 : The Witch's Slander

Rhadelva and Zantrivha faced each other and chanted the Mantra then a string of energy emerged from the end of the stick and bound each other's body. All the magicians there laughed. The two of them continued to listen and immediately put into practice what Aresmagha said, a few hours later all the magicians were ready to leave.

“Remember, we only snatched the Portal battery from Kakalya, so there should be no casualties!” Aresmagha's message. They walked out of the Ravandall building, in front of which there was a bridge with a river on its side. They gathered on the bridge, Aresmagha floated with his Osevha, followed by the other witches with their respective Osevhas. Finally Zantrivha and Rhadelva flew over without Osevha.

They left the beach and walked along a high meadow, at the end of the meadow there were big trees as a sign of the entrance to the forest and the trees were in an irregular spiral, then on the tree body there were many thorns like cactus.

They landed and walked through a very dark forest. Aresmagha said "Ilummna," then from the tip of his wand came a white light and illuminated the surroundings, before long they met a cliff and under it was a large rock covered with vines, beside the rock there was a narrow gap and then they entered it. It turns out that in it there is a narrow cave shaped long hallway.

They went down the cave and right at the end of the passage, there was a stream that led to the exit, the cave emptied into a temple ruin. After they came out of the cave and met the remains of the temple ruins, Aresmagha turned off the light at the tip of his wand and they had reached the back of the building called Kakalya.

In front of them, the Kakalya building is shaped like a punden with steps with a stupa at the top. They climbed the terrace step by step, then when they reached the top, they entered the stupa and found that there was nothing inside.

“Why is it empty here, where is Zarentheva?” Zegha asked.

He looked at the remaining footprints of the shoes that were still imprinted, "He hasn't left this place long, so what should we do now?" Zorn asked.

They enter the cavity below because Kakalya's step is like a pyramid, inside there is room but it is empty and there is not a single object left. They then came down empty-handed and spent the night on the lowest terrace.

When morning came and the sun was shining, then they woke up and prepared to go home, suddenly in the sky there was the sound of an airplane passing. “Quickly hide!” Aresmagha's orders.

Shocking. A large green dragon flew straight past and there was a person riding on its back. Right behind him, there were several magicians flying up Osevha and wearing white robes.

"That's them!" Zorn shouted.

"Let's follow them, but from low distance and not too high!" Aresmagha's orders.

Then they chased after the dragon riders, being careful not to be noticed. The group headed for a fort in the middle of the desert. The fort was very large and the walls were made of wood that were neatly arranged so high.

They came down and put Osevha and leaned against the wall, then Aresmagha said "Say Invisina." They chanted the Charm and from the end of the wand came a kind of cloak which made the body invisible.

When they landed inside the fort, around them was a small village complete with markets and houses, in the center of which was a field. The big green dragon named Irsidna was in the middle of the field, he was tied with a rope and several people tried to subdue his with spears and stun streams at the end. He was electrocuted and forced into submission.

After Irsidna limp helplessly, an officer cut the tip of the dragon's horn with a very hot laser beam and it looked like he was in pain. The piece of horn was then brought by them into a laboratory with quite sophisticated equipment, then right at the top of the laboratory, the roof opened directly to the sky.

The tip of the horn was taken and put into a glass room in the laboratory, where they took the liquid from the horn and made a kind of serum called Kolvagen, there were hundreds of serum liquids. It turns out that the serum functions as a drug for regeneration or to grow severed organs. Suddenly Zantrivha and Rhadelva's clothes changed color from brown to red indicating danger was coming.

Zarentheva emerged from a room, he brought several bottles of serum that had been extracted from the substance in the horn, then they (Aresmagha's side) all opened the energy veil of the invisible curtain, all was finally seen, then the magicians brandished Longkra at the whole army. While Aresmagha, Zorn and Zegha brandished Longkra at Zarentheva.

“Give it up, Zarentheva! return the Portal battery to us!” Aresmagha said to Zarentheva.

"Not! You killed my father, I deserve the battery because it was my father who donated funds for the portal," he replied.

The army attacked several mages and they fought back with Longkra, battle was inevitable. Troops armed only with small pistols and spears were defeated by electric fire from the tip of Longkra. All the troops had fallen and only Zarentheva remained. Aresmagha then pointed a Longkra at Zarentheva and sent him flying, as he wanted to attack him again, but was restrained by Zantrivha.

"Wait! let him live so we know where the battery is,” Zantrivha said.

“You Fresthazians are willing to be used as tools by Aresmagha, is it easy to believe in him just because he's been taught a few Mantras? You guys believe that I'm a treacherous disciple and believe in the creature Uremadra, what a shame!”

"Tell me what really happened?" asked Rhadelva.

“Ravandall is a school founded by my father, teaching technology inherited from the Zungga. But one time Aresmagha had opened the Portal to the dimension of fire so that the fire creatures came and he allied himself to perform rituals until Aresmagha's power increased many times. Aresmagha teaches magic which is actually forbidden by the Zungga. In order to prevent that my father took the Portal battery lest he open the Portal to further fire dimensions, ask him yourself!” Zarenteva said.

Zantrivha is now aiming at Aresmagha, he throws a Longkra and shoots an energy ball from his hand, Aresmagha is bounced off and all the magicians turn around pointing Longkra at Zantrivha "Tell the truth!" Zantrivha said.

"Allied with the fire creatures made me strong, if his father had not interfered, then I would have controlled all the Suvhadis by now," snapped Aresmagha.

“My father had secured the Portal battery, but the Osevha and Longkra remaining in Ravandall were used by Aresmagha to repel those who opposed him, one of whom was Taferha,” Zarentheva said.

"Is it true that you kicked Taferha out?" asked Rhadelva.

"Right. He was the one who reported me to his father," Aresmagha replied.