On the planet Bardukhaz, Akrasedha, Zantrivha and several troops had already entered the government building of the Zantra nation. They floated down the hall, suddenly at the end they met an army of robots from the Zantra nation. Akrasedha fired a red cannon of light, so the troops melted instantly, like butter on fire.
Not long after, several troops appeared with quite a large number, they immediately activated the energy shield, so that they were ineffective when shot by Akrasedha. Because there were more of them and Akrasedha's troops only numbered seven people and did not have weapons to penetrate the energy shield, he finally gave up and was directed by the Zantra troops to the core room, the room where King Zaverha was. In the corner of the room appeared Zaverha while flying from above then he landed, he watched the troops he had just captured.
"There was an intruder, what do you want?" asked Zaverha.