Suddenly in the distance Zantrivha saw that there were about 8 dragon riders from the opposite direction, they were flying very high, he then told his dragon to go down into the forest and hide in the trees, the dragon stuck his nails in the body of a big tree and he was hanging there.
Zantrivha saw the 8 dragon riders riding the same type of dragon only they were fatter and flew slower. The riders wearing military clothes complete with fur vests, they came out of the snow mountains towards the west. After they passed and the situation was safe, Zantrivha then rode his dragon back to the eastern forest, there he saw many participants riding dragons close to the floating carriage transportation. Soon he returned to the southern forest and landed in a field where a herd of dragons was lying.
"How did you manage to control it?" asked Makhaila.
"It's very easy," Zantrivha replied.
"Thank God nothing bad happened," replied Makhaila.