Meline: “come on let’s play never have I ever.”
Luna: “what’s that? I have never heard about this game.”
Meline: “no worries baby I will explain, look we all will be given a glass of juice and If suppose I say never have, I ever cheated in exam then the person who has cheated will have a sip of juice and those who has not cheated will not take a sip and at the end who ever finishes first will be the winner”
Lune: “that sounds interesting, but we can say anything right?”
Meline: “yes its totally on you. Ok so let’s begin with Noah.”
Noah: “uh... never have I ever got arrested from police.”
Meline: Noah and Tyler took a sip from their glass and rest all of us didn’t. I was surprised “what did you both do to get arrested?”
Noah: “I was drinking and driving. I know it’s a wrong thing but I had some emergency and had no other option at that time. So was arrested.”
Meline: “smart ass you could have taken a taxi or a cab.”