First Extraordinary Encounter

Hi, I am WIL aka William,2 days after my birthday, I have begun my journey to find Mera's moving garden. It's impossible for humans to navigate the garden, it's constantly on the move. People say it's impossible so I want to make it possible.

The world outside my hometown is very different, people think it's not wise to travel when you're a dai, for those of you who don't know what a dai is its a term that refers to an ordinary person with no magic or beast abilities and I am one of the dais but I am traveling regardless of it because of my best friend a flight lion a teen one at that!.

All the flight lions are without a doubt one of the fiercest beasts out there, big, strong, and extremely fast when flying but this does not apply to mine who is a lazy, small, and barely flying flight lion. I have named her Chun when I found her years ago since then we have been together

it's very lucky to even find a flight lion. a person with common senses would have sold it to the capital of humans or given it to the beast kingdom or even better trained it to fight for them and became a tamer, but I didn't do any of it instead I spoiled it rotten to the point it's so lazy that it rides on my shoulder to date, and Chun is very small for a teen but she's just so cute, I can't say no to her.

at this point, she is more like a rabbit than a lion. To be frank she doesn't even want to travel with me and my adventure was postponed for 2 years because of her. then I said I would leave without her so she came along with me and our journey began.

We were traveling east towards the port of olian. oh, I almost forgot to explain the geography, there are 2 major races humans and beast-men the human empire is called olian and beast clan the empire is called feririn.

In humans, there are 2 types dais and lils. lils are the ones that can harness the energy released by the beast clan, and speaking of lils, As I was on my way to the port of olian. In the woods, I found a boy around my age, surrounded by tall men. The boy was golden blond with amber eyes. He looked really wealthy and that's when it hit me " he is being robbed!" just then I noticed that he was conjuring a spell, he is a lil too!

he is not attacking, not a magic pro are we, Well let's help him "CHUN distract them " RUUU, Chun left flying through. "what was that'' the robbers were distracted for a moment and he took this chance and struck them with lighting, they fell to the ground and he let out a sigh of relief as I approached him "hey you alright ? '' just then Chun came flying back "good job Chun" ruuuu Chun reassured me. "is that your familiar? " "not actually a familiar, but something like that "I answered him "thank you, and you "he said as he smiled at Chun.

ru ru Chun welcomed him. "I'm Rochio by the way " RODEO ? " "not rodeo Rochio '' I SAID THAT OUT LOUD!.

"I am William. Call me wil, and this is Chun. nice to meet you " Rochio gave us a warm smile and asked" hey you're traveling too right? um i...i...if you don't mind. please travel with me. you see I am from a family of merchants, so my parents made me travel but to be honest I am very scared, hehe" he ended with a nervous laugh, to be frank, I don't have any plans after the port and it will be very hard to travel alone " alright let's travel together. but first I have to gear up in the port town "alright "he replied, and so! me, Chun, and Rochio began our journey towards the port of olian.