Dark Rebirth (Abel)

Silence. Darkness....... Emptiness. I was free falling in a void with nothing for as far as the eye could see. Then, something changed. Suddenly, something wet hit my face. It was small. It was cold. It felt fragile. Another drop feel upon me and then another and another.

“What is that?” I thought.

Now, whatever it was landing in force. Slowly, I open my eyes and I was greeted by the dark cloudy night sky as rain pelted down from above. But something about the sky was… different. It was weird. It was abnormal. It was… WRONG. It didn’t look real.

I was confused.

“Where am I?” I thought.

I couldn’t move at first. My body felt numb. It was like a static current was running through my body. Almost like I had just woken up from a deep sleep.

I turned my head slowly to look around and I was greeted with eyes. Blue. Beautiful. Dead. I stared into the motionless eyes of a gorgeous woman.... or someone who had been one. She clearly had seen better days.

The woman had light brown hair; which, draped over her dead white skin. Her face was dotted with freckles which helped her retain some of her now discarded youth. Her face had been badly beaten in. Her lips were cracked, dry, and swollen.

There was a large bleeding split down the middle of her nose. It was like someone had tried to cleaved her face in two. Her body was matted in blood. Wounds that I could only describe as bullet holes lined her corpse as if she were mowed down with rapid fire. Chunks of flesh were missing from her right arm as well. It had appeared as if some thing had attempted to eat her.

Adrenaline kicked in as I sat up immediately and observed my surroundings. I was in a dilapidated room. However, it wasn’t any ordinary room. Everything about this room seemed... foreign.

It was off putting. Otherworldly. Strange. Cracks and missing plaster checkered the walls of the room. A couple of broken shelves also lined them. All with strangely shaped objects that were all broken and shattered to pieces.

A large table lined the back wall. It had been completely caved in. The contents lay smashed on the side and had riddled with holes along with wall behind them. Strange plants spawned from the cracks of the blood stained floors and outward with thick trunks. They grew outward through the gaping hole that poured in the rain from the strange night sky.

Lost. Alien. I stood up painfully. My body was still sore. I could feel the blood slowly rushing through my veins as my body became more and more functional.

I looked around the room again and notice an ominous crimson glow illuminating from from the edge of the walls on the floor. The glow drenched the room in a tense atmosphere. It was heavy, dark, and foreboding. Setting the mood of something sinister.

Smoke fumed upward from below me in the form of a circle; completely surrounding me. This fumes burned my nose with the smell of citrus and blood.

“Blood, I thought, “An awfully familiar smell.”

A flash of something sped through my mind. It was quick. It was swift. However, I still saw it.

The smile of a woman was now in engraved into my mind. Beautiful. Pure. Earthly. It filled me with warmth. Yet, for some reason, brought me sadness.

“Abel,” her voice rang, “We can fix this. I promise.”

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

“Abel?” I pondered, “Is that me?”

It had to have been.

“Of course it was,” I thought, “It’s my name…. but who am I?”

My memory was fragmented. I couldn’t really remember anything. I tried to conjure up moments before this point, but nothing came. All I had was my name. I was a blank slate.

I turned to look to the side of me and notice a strange door unlike any I had ever seen. The door itself seemed broken, but whatever it originally had been was highly advanced. The door, as it was now, was jammed in mid process of opening. It was bent inward as if some large creature had forced its way past it.

I looked around me and once more at the woman by my feet. There was no bringing her back. I couldn’t do anything for her. She was gone. And if she were somehow still alive, as cruel as it was she’d just be dead weight.

I took in a deep sigh before I took my first step. Without warning, I started to stumble towards the door; nearly falling on the floor. My body was still adjusting.

Catching myself on the broken door to balance, I notice a cold wetness coated the bottom of my feet. I look down to see it was a strange dark substance. The fluid was the color of tar. It was slightly sticky, yet extremely slick and slimy. It WASN'T blood.

“What the hell,” I thought.

Carefully, I stick my head out of the door and examined the hallway. All I saw were corpses. Dozens. Possibly, hundreds. Bodies of all shapes and sizes lined the hallways. A stench of rotting decay and iron saturated the air along with the ominous crimson that hung in the atmosphere. At the end of the hallway, there was a gaping hole in the wall. Outside light fled into the hallway, bleeding into the crimson abyss.

“Something happened here,” I thought, ”…something terrible.”

I looked the other way and nothing but bodies lined the floor. Dried blood and claw marks painted the walls of the hallway the further down I looked along with the mysterious black sludge that draped the floor.

At the end was a corridor and around the corner, emanated a blip of crimson more ominous than the rest of the area. A strange haunting sound could be heard. A growl. Deep. Something that came from within. Something that was carrying a lot of weighted anger and hate. It was big.

The monstrous growl vibrated the walls of the hallway, sending shudders down my body. Putting me on high alert.

“Something very big is over there,” I thought.

I watched as the thing shifted. I could feel it moving. I looked back to the opening in the wall at the end of the hall.

“I need to get the hell out of here before it notices me,” I thought again.

Quietly, I hastily tiptoed down the hall. The black substance stuck to my feet like glue making it hard to move without slipping, yet I proceeded on.

After stepping over multiple corpses of the deceased, I noticed how different they were. They were off putting. They didn’t look human. Not, at all.

“No, I thought, “they are definitely not human.”

They’re bodies were too big. Seemingly, blotted. And their eyes were HUGE. Some of them had different body alterations that a normal human didn’t have.

Some had extra fingers. Some had talons. Some even had large animal like ears protruding from the domes, and many more. All were different. Not one was the same.

I was almost to the opening when something touched my ankle. I looked down and saw that someone had grabbed me. One of them was still alive.

It was a little girl. Or what appeared to be one. Her eyes, like the others, were huge. Yet they were soft. The innocence, though fading, was still there.

Her skin was ash white in the crimson light. She had light brown hair that was now matted with blood to her skin.

I didn’t say anything. I continued to examine her. The right side her midsection was torn open; leaving her entrails to spill in the river of blood around her. Her clothes were soaked in blood and viscera along with the black sludge that stained the surrounding.

In the hand that wasn’t grasping me, she held a strange bear. Surprisingly, it was completely clean.

I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. I stood and watched as the remaining life fled quickly from her pupils. She didn’t saying anything. I don’t think she could. Either for the blood loss or the fear in her heart. She was almost gone. I could see tears slowly stream down her face as the cold grip of death finally took her. Her hand released my ankle.

I quickly turned and made my way to the opening making as little noise as possible. I reached outside and stepped into the downpour of rain that cascaded onto cold asphalt below my feet. I felt nauseous. Not from what I just seen, but from something else.

Something was off. Something was wrong with the air. Instead of feeling grounded, balanced, assured, I felt light, nauseous, and disgusted. It was like I was on another planet.

I looked out the hole in the wall and see what seems to be a seemingly normal street alley. The rain-pour was hailing harder by the second. Water flooded the alley; which created a loud splashing sound when hitting the ground. I look behind me.

Suddenly, a loud sound could be heard. It was almost deafening. It sounded like screams of a shrieking woman, but…. no something was off. A light appeared from around the corner of the corridor where the creature had been. It had been dim at first, but it grew brighter.

The Light was getting more intense. It sounded thunderously louder. I stepped further outside in the rain. I was completely naked and the rain freezing cold. I held myself crossing my arms over my chest. I was shivering from the cold.

A loud monstrous boom could be heard from inside the building I was just in. I break out into a tiptoeing sprint. I look behind me to see fire erupting from the hole in the wall. The building began to shake and shudder.

Rubble began to crescendo down and black sludge sopping outward from the building in droves. Before I knew it, I was already out of the vicinity. My tiptoeing became loud splatters in the rain. All that was on my mind was escape.... and the certain feeling of finally being free.

Without missing a beat, the building exploded.