Cake (Troya)

For the longest time. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me. I couldn’t quite comprehend the “gifts” that had bestowed upon me. I mean how could I was a child after all.

I awoke in an all white room. I was cuddled up in a corner on the lukewarm floor. I think there was a bed, but at the time I didn’t know what the hell that was.

I remember waking up in a strange gown that hung around my ankle. It was white and soft like silk on my skin. It’s touch, at the time, was weird. Unusual even. At first, I didn’t like it.

I looked at my skin. I was puzzled. I had never seen my skin so......clean. I was intrigued even. Living in the wasteland, I was so used to the world of filth and disgust around me that I just gotten used to it. The need to wash was one thing I didn’t perceive as upmost importance just trying to survive. Being caked in filthy began to have its advantages even.

However my skin, in my eyes, shone. I could finally see the light caramel tone of my skin. I could feel the smoothness and softness that lay buried underneath all the filth and gunk from all those years. I sniffed the air around me and I was enamored with the smell. It was something I had never experienced before; something new. It was something completely different. It was sweet with a, what I now know, floral scent.

I sniffed the air again and then.... my skin. I let out an small animalistic yell of bewilderment. Puzzling. It was coming from me! I sniff some more, this time all along my body. My arms. My shoulders. Anything within sniffing distance wasn’t safe. I smelled wonderful. A gleeful feeling spread across my body.

After 5 minutes of sniffing myself, I noticed something different. I lifted up my gown and looked at my missing leg. It had been bandaged up, tightly. I rolled up my gown some more and noticed that bandages wrapped around nearly my entire frame.

I pull my gown down and looked around. The room was empty, besides probably the bed. I sat on my one knee and straightened myself with my hands. The room was.... warm. It was strange.

The wasteland was cold and a lot of the times unforgiving. Even more so during winter. Staying inside, ESPECIALLY when it was raining, was a must. Fire was an absolute. No fire equals suicide. Even me as a child could comprehend that.

I was still looking around when a I strange noise could be heard. It was....... strange xeclva* (*artificial). Out of nowhere, an opening formed in one of the walls. A dark void replaced the white wall, instead.

I scooted back into the corner behind me. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my body as my breathing labored with every quaking breath.

I hissed at the void of space that lay before me. I was about to start screaming when a woman poked her head in. I looked at her and my adrenaline came to a screeching halt. My breathing stopped. I forgot to breath.

I let out a small coughing gasp. I looked back up at her as she slowly steps out of the shadows. I didn’t know what I was looking at.

“She’s beautiful,” I thought.

I let out a gasp of bewilderment. I didn’t think I had ever experienced something so pretty at that time.

She was very short. Short for women at the current time; anyways, who happened to basically be giants. Her skin was white as snow. Almost as white as the room if it weren’t for the hint of pink in her skin. She had beautiful red freckles that dotted her cheeks, deeply contrasting her white skin. Her teeth were glistening white as well. She had fangs, but they weren’t as sharp as the usual vampires. When she smiled, it was infectious. I smiled immediately.

She had short hair cut into a bob that stopped around her shoulders. She had a voluptuous figure that complemented her elegant smile well.

She was gorgeous; however, something caught my eyes. Hers. Her eyes were completely different from any I had ever seen. The were a glowing, hot crimson red. They look saturated. Unnatural. Her irises were huge. Foreboding. Yet, they were strangely calming. Something in them relaxed me. After taking a closer look I noticed that she didn’t have any pupils.

A cool, relaxing breeze-like sensation slid down the mid of my spine. She approached me, slowly. I looked down at her hands as she was holding something. She held a small plate.

I watched as she stopped and knelt down in front of me. Her faintly glowing eyes meeting mine. She placed the plate down in front of me. A strange triangular shaped object lay on the plate with even stranger lines and patterns. I looked down at the plate and sniffed it. I let out grunt of excitement. It smelled alarmingly sweet. The mixture of sweets and salts formed an elixir of smell in my nose, intoxicating me.

I picked up the object and slowly bit into it. It was soft and light. A small tear fell down my face as the flavors from the object flooded my taste buds. It was sweet, yet salty. I played around with it in my mouth. The amount of flavors my tongue was having to decipher was incomprehensible.

The piece seemingly melted in my mouth into a liquid as I swallowed it. Then nothing. I opened my eyes and I stare at the woman. She looked out into the black abyss and smiled. I looked back into the doorway. and saw a figure wearing a white mask. He nodded his head in approval and then disappeared. I looked back at the woman and the back at the object. I picked it up and doggishly devoured the remains.

I could hear the woman giggling as I scarfed down the remain of the object.

“What’s so funny,” I thought.

“Do you know what that is?” she asked.

I tilted my head a little. Couldn’t understand her. She spoke in a tongue I wasn’t familiar in. Not that I could really speak at the time. She appeared to catch on as she pointed at the object.

“Cake,” was all she said.

I looked at for a brief second before I snatched up the of contents in my hand. I finished the object and looked at the woman. She stood up and smiled. Her saturated red eyes glowed brighter for a brief second before she put her hands on her hips.

“You know what,” she exclaimed softly, “ I think I might like you.”

I couldn’t understand her, but I understood just her smile alone. The feeling was, indeed, mutual. I watched as she slowly reached out hand towards. At first, all I did was stare at it first. After a brief pause, I finally place small hand into hers.

“Come on,” she whispered, “Let’s get you out of here.”