Discombobulated (The Count)


A groan of aching pain escaped my mouth. My body burned with soaring hot pains as I shifted my head slightly.

“Oh fuck,” I cursed.

Attempting to open my eyes, I was immediately blinded by a scorching bright white. I closed my eyes shut as streams of bloody tears rolled down my face.

Smooth elevator jazz could be heard as I struggled to come to my sense. It was calming, yet very discombobulating. A loud ringing screamed from my ears, causing an immense headache. I was dazed and confused. Unsure of my surroundings and how I got here.

I tried to move my arms, yet something was holding them down. I flexed my hands. They were numb. Cold. Frigid. I try to move my legs; however, they wouldn’t budge either.

I groaned in frustration. I open my eyes slightly once more; fighting the light and the bloody tears along with it. I couldn’t find anything in the room other than the blind bright white, so I looked instead at myself.

“What the hell?” I question.

I look at my feet and see that I’m strapped down in metal cuffs onto strange table.

“No,” I thought,” it’s much more than that.”

As my eyes began to adjust, so did the feeling in my body. I could feel a slight humming vibration come from underneath the table. It was soft and relaxing. Yet.....

“Something isn’t right here,” I continued to ponder.

I look past my feet and see a circular surface. Struggling, I look above me.

“Same thing,” I said, quiet.

I look towards the blinding light, yet again. This time, I examined the perimeter more carefully. The light seemed to be pouring from some sort of rectangular window frame. I definitely was inside some containment capsule. Something to hold me captive.

“Who dare capture me and have me restrained in such a manner?” I question to myself.

My thought process was cut short when a large shadowy silhouette beamed over me; clouded by the light in the foreground.

The voice of a tall woman could be heard speaking in a strange dialect unknown to me. It was strange and deeply confusing. The words seemed to be enchanted because the more I listened the more my head hurt.

“Magesss,” I hissed, “Where am I?”

I was ignored. The woman seemed to be talking to someone else in the room. After about 5 minutes of their conversation; however, my brain was fried. I could no longer think for myself.

I tried to fight it, but it was useless. My body was already too weak. Now, my mind was compromised. I watched as the light grew brighter and my vision grew hazy. I was once again knocked into a world of slumber.

The cycle continues. I had to figure out away to break free.