The Council Meeting (Part 2)(Janice)

I stood in the door way complete frozen in place. My mouth was torrid. My palms sweaty. The entirety of my frame frozen cold. I was a deer in the headlights.

“What the hell is he doing here?” I thought to myself.

A very good question because, lo and behold, he wasn’t supposed to even set foot anywhere near the world of the living. Yet, here he was.

Bask ét Femi, or Basket for short, was the sole ruler of the ENTIRETY of Hell’s seemingly endless realm. He was the one that ensured the balance between all the other realms and world alike. Making sure that all things were the way they were supposed to be. He was also the one who STARTED the war on earth that nearly killed all life on its surface. The Last Earth War.

I walked completely into the room; meanwhile, I still maintained complete eye contact with Basket. He didn’t budge. His eyes maintaining full contact with mine. I closed the door behind me and suddenly the Board Room was swept into stillness.

“The others are finally aware I’m here,” I thought.

I turn back to everyone else in the room. Their eyes glued between me and Basket. The tension was strained. The atmosphere heavy.

The headache I had was beyond unbearable now. The unyielding want to walk out the room and cry the pain away in my room at home was insufferable. However, somehow I walked onward.

A loud ringing rang in my ear. The lights in the room brightened and the world around was spacing out.

“Just don’t look at him,” I thought, “if I don’t look at him, the pain won’t be as unbearable.”

I focus my attention onto the other Chancellor members. Members from different civilizations and cultures on different worlds all gathered in on spot. Well, all except one. Lorena. She was still on Vampa.

I look down the table. I despised most of them. They despised me. They were aware of what I was and they planned on being a constant reminder.

I continue to eye the members when I lock eyes briefly with a familiar face. Jason Liverblood sat all the way at the left end of the board table. His moonlight yellow eyes glued on me.

“Both Jason and Basket are in my board,” I thought to myself.

It’s was shock. These two are never in the same room with each other. Lo and behold, they don’t actually see eye to eye with each other. Especially, Jason. Who has a burning hate for Basket. Which is sad, since they are identical twin brothers.

Basket crept from out of his corner as I took my seat. His eyes, which were also moonlight yellow, still glaring at me.

I lean forward in my chair, and gave a deep sigh.

“….. Do I want to know why both you and Jason are currently in my damn board room. They do know they can’t be here in Luna unless the I, the Chancellor of this sector, invite them here right?” I stated directing my attention to everyone else in the room.

The others at the table all turned their attention towards Basket. Basket had fully emerged from the shadows of the corner and engulfed himself in the light of the room. His features were now plain as day to everyone who dare lay eyes on him.

Now don’t get me wrong. I hate Basket. With every fiber of my being, I can’t stand him. However, there is one thing that I can say about him. Between him and Jason, Basket was somehow far better looking. Yet, they were twins.

How do I explain this. Both Jason and Basket were very attractive men. Both were fairly tall, well built, well dressed men. As a matter of fact, If I were still into the entire of dating (and also if Basket wasn’t a complete fucking creep) I would have probably slept with one of them…..

When it comes to Basket and Jason, Basket just wore himself better. Everything from the complexion of his dark skin, all the way down to the way he dresses was just better. Not saying that Jason didn’t carry himself well. Basket just did it better.

“Then again,” I thought, “Jason is more of a recluse.”

Basket was wearing his usual red attire that he wore outside of the hell realm. He was currently dressed from top to bottom in a red and black business tuxedo. He wore a crimson one button blazer with black accents that brought out the glow in his dark skin. His shoes along with his pants were also crimson.

He was wearing his usual golden small hoop earrings. His hair had been recently washed and retwisted. His skin was also clear. No blemishes or scares were present upon his body as far as I could tell.

I take a look at Jason. He was dressed in his usual black attire. He wore a long sleeve black button down and black pants. He only had one earring in his left ear and his face had several scratches littered upon it’s surface.

Unlike Basket’s eyes, Jason’s were a lot more jade. The light was nearly gone within them. They perfectly captured the man that represented; a tired man.

Basket’s eyes were completely coursing with magic. They gave off an artificial glow that you only see from a sort of Led light. There was nothing natural about them.

Basket slowly walked towards his brother. His is we’re still piercing into mine. The pounding headache was returning. The air around was thickening. I glanced around to the other members of the Board. All of them now looking at me.

I watched as Basket stop behind his brother. Slowly, he clasped his hands onto Jason’s shoulders. I watched as Jason eyed me. I could tell he didn’t like were this was going and neither did I.

Basket tilt his head up towards the ceiling and took in a deep breath. I scrunch my face in disgust.

“Basket? What you do-,” I was cut off.

Instantly without warning, the room got rigid cold. My body went into shock from the drop as the room darkened to near void. In the same instance, Basket’s head snapped in my direction.

Like a glitch in a game, his face contorted into a nightmarish grin that was too wide to be humanly possible. His eye were cartoonishly wide and the sclera pitch black.

I blinked. Bad mistake. The moment I opened my eyes, two large beam of flaming hot magma had erupted from Basket’s eyes and now were literally centimeters from face. Instinctively, I flexed my jaw. The beams came to screeching halt literally in front of my eyes. With the single twitch of my lip, they disperse.

“I stopped them in time,” I thought to myself.

Next thing I know, my reflexes kick in and my body was moving on its own. I fly out of my chair and over the table in one single motion. Jason tries to get in the way, but I grab him by the collar of his button down and push him aside. I get ahold of Basket and with one hand throw against him the wall.

I could hear the wall cave-in behind him. His eyes still glued into mine. The headache becoming beyond unbearable again. I could hear commotion behind me as I held Basket down. His hands in his pockets. His face scrunched up as if he were confused.

“Why is he looking at me like that,” I thought, “He does know he can’t kill me while he’s in the world of the living right?”

Of course he does. It’s Basket. This isn’t the first time we’ve performed this dance. He knows the deal.

“So why?” I questioned myself.

I watched as Basket looked around the room and back at me. His face now a blank canvas. I couldn’t read him.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I hissed in his ear.

My voice was deep. My fangs were protruding out. My power fluctuating as I tried to suppress it.

“I can’t lose my temper,” I thought, “ As much as I’d like to, I might hurt everyone else in here.”

Basket looked at me. I could see it. The disdain he had for me. It was so present that you could almost feel it.

“We won’t make it,” he said.

I was confused. What was he talking about.

“What?”I said irritably.

“Something’s coming and we won’t make it. Not as we are now. When it comes,” he took a pause, “There will be nothing that we can do to stop it.”