The Scent I Smell (Ze)

"Evelyn, update the map for all known possible landmarks such as The Farm and any other locations or hazards I should be aware of."

Evelyn let out a little chirp as the map in my left eye recalibrated, bringing up a more up-to-date map. I watched as the map zoomed in revealing our current location then zoomed out showing multiple multi-colored flare ups. We were still on the west side of Rapture. However, we now approaching mid-center of the left side of the frozen lake. The lake was more center around the middle; drawing closer to the east side of the map. The Farm was far Northeast. It was tucked far away in Rapture. Far away from actual civilization. Hard to get to if it didn't want to be gotten to. Especially with all the overgrown fauna that littered the rest of Rapture.

The multiple flare ups weren't a surprise for me as I expected so many. There were at least five reds and three yellows. Yellow meant for possible obstructions that could slow down progress of the mission. Red markers meant for hostile parties that should be avoided to secure the mission. This could be either other hunters, hostile inhabitants, or feral wildlife. The information varies from location to location. Sometimes I can tell what hostile is what. Sometimes I cannot.

"Valck this place is a deathtrap," Evelyn chimed.

Indeed. It was. However, it wasn't something we weren't used to. We had been on plenty of missions like this. I was pretty confident in my ability to survive myself. The only thing that concerns me was my party.

Pretending to survey the landscape, I slowly examine everyone in the group. I tried to get a good read on everyone earlier on the ride here, but the motion sickness from the ride made that nearly impossible. Now, I could concentrate without it.

There was a total of 8 of us. All of us not really taking the mission seriously. I mean why should we really? It was just a human. With all the tech we had there wasn't much of a chance it had on top of our already heightened abilities.

There were two in front of me, one to my left, and four behind me. I scanned the one to my left first. Easiest one. Closest. The one to my left was the Asian with the cameo body armor. Closer inspection, she was actually quite attractive. She had a medium length, inverted bob. Starting black and ending neon purple, her bob complimented her face extremely well. Everything from her lush plump lips to her small radiant eyes. Her eyes were an animated glowing purple. Magenta. Light Contrast to mine; which were a crimson brown. Hers had obviously been "nanized". Glowing slightly in the shadows leaving a piercing purple light.

Her skin was snow white and clear of any blemishes or naturally scarring. Her ears were pointed; which meant she consumed blood recently. She was very much a vampire. Of what degree..... that was yet to be found out.

"File collected! annnnndd sending it to you now," Evelyn whispered.

Instantly, a holographic file card popped-up right beside the Asian woman. A card that I could only see of coarse. A card that had an extended history of the known knowledge on her including all known hidden details. Evasive? Yes. Did I care? No. Because it comes with the job and I'm 100% sure everyone has already I.D'ed me already. So, I'm not concerned. Its not like they'll find much anyways. I was usually in and out. Plus, my history was kinda murky. Even, I didn't know some of my own history.

"Oooo," Evelyn chimed, "Looks like we got a celebrity."

"What do you mean?" I thought.

I scanned the four behind me. Obviously, they came in a pair because stayed in a group. Back-to-back. I watched as their file card pops up besides them.

"They connected?" I asked.


"Congeal and store."

I watched as there cards combined and then vanished as they're added to my memory bank.

"Let's compile all the files and sift through them then. Sort through them from which is going to give us the most problem to the least. Which ones are going to the most trouble, if any, and send the most problematic ones to the forefront. Yeah, were all getting paid, but at the end of the day we still have to look out for ourselves. These guys are not our friends. They will turn on us if they feel they have to."

"Yes ma'am," she responded, "Awwww! Look at that. I taught you welllll."

I furrowed my brow in slight annoyance.

"You do know I've been doing this longer than you right?"

"Surrrreee you have," she snickered.

I smirked. In truth we really didn't know. More so because we couldn't put a precise date on any of our births. Me because I just couldn't remember and her because she didn't quite keep a good sense of time back then. However..... we both agreed that I was definitely older.

"Alright their files are collected. Time for the last two."

I draw my attention to the two ahead of me. One was a woman I had never seen before. The other was the Merc in Black.

"Collecting," Evelyn whispered.

In an instant, their file card materialized and then disappeared.

"Sorting. Hold on."

I went back to analyzing my surroundings. The air was beginning to warm up. If my intel on Rapture is correct, the technology that controlled the climate of the dome was damaged beyond repair. If I remember correctly, is through discourse between the trade of the stock they had. Not surprised.

It was beginning to get very warm. The fauna was beginning to change the farther we went down the trail. Mosquitoes and other insects began to swarm the path as we continued. Bizarre. It really was. Its daunting how a couple of feet back that no such life was available. Now it's all I'm surrounded by.

"Sorting done," Evelyn said.

I closed my left eye and watched as their file cards popped up from most to least dangerous. Not to my surprise, The Merc in Black was first.

Alias: Spradlin

Age: ????

Eye color: green

Hair color: black

Height: 6'2

Species: Mutant (Altered)

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Bounty-on-head: 54,340 Zulis*

Known encounters: redacted

"Spradlin?" I thought.

Where have I heard that name from? Lo and behold, It's on the tip of my tongue. I just can't seem to remember.

"Oh well," I thought, " we can ring around back to him."

The second was the woman standing right beside Spradlin.

Alias: Everest

Age: 143

Eyes: Brown (Nanized)

Hair color: brunette

Height: 6'4

Species: Vampire (Waning-July)

Occupation: Spotter/Recon

Bounty-on-head: None

Known encounters: Unknown/Undocumented

"A spotter?" I thought.

It makes sense why there together now. They're partners. I look back towards Spradlin. I still don't know where I recognize him from. The thought of it was beginning to give me a headache. The Asian woman. Her card appeared on my eyelid.

Alias: Chickadee

Age: 57

Eye color: Magenta (Nanized)

Hair color: black

Height: 5'4

Species: Vampire (Waxing-January)

Occupation: Spotter/Recon (Medical History/Training documented)

Bounty-on-head: 429 Zulis*

Known encounters: 1 documented mission.

Chickadee, huh? Now, I have heard that name. Lo and behold, I met this one on a supply run. We didn't talk. I'm not really conversation type. At least not in this job field I'm not. Plus, it was an in-and-out job so there wasn't much time to talk. I do remember her wearing a helmet. Then again, it was a belt run in the middle of space.

"Ok," I thought, "What about the other four?'

I waited as the title cards pulled up. They were clones. I wasn't surprised. I could tell by their formation. Unnaturally synchronized. Completely inhuman in a sense.

"Evelyn, compiled the alias and look for original copies and specimens."

Known fact in this job, clones are a good way to perform jobs without having to put yourself in danger. Also, good for keeping others off your back. A clone can be modified. Whether its a large modification or a small modification, they can be changed simply by modifying the genetic code of the original. Its rather expensive. Yet, with the money you make in this business, you can make as many as you want.

"No known data."

Well. Thats to expected when it comes to clones. Especially in this line of work. The clones are probably so spliced and so altered that they can't even find any information on the original.

"Evelyn?" I began, "Any audio recorded files or prerecorded history on these guys."

"Let's see. We got a couple of back audio logs. They don't seem to be connected to anything in particular. No video files. No pictures. Nothing."

I sighed. Yet again, I'm not surprised. Though it brings into question... why are all these high-profile hunters being paid to track down one mere human. Yes, you could make the argument that it could be considered a high value target. But all 8 of us for a singular human man. Ridiculous. Unless there something we're not being told. Then again, Ive been told to never underestimate the human man.

I pondered the possibilities of what type of outlier information that could be missing when.... I stop dead in my tracks. Something had grabbed my attention. Something had flooded my sense. Something was making my heart race. I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed it. Chickadee and Everest had also stopped dead in their track. The smell. It was faint. However, it was a smell all together. A scent. A pheromone that smelled so sweet, yet so salty. My stomach grubbed.

The taste of iron flooded my mouth as it began to salivate with saliva. My tummy grew warm as my face grew hot with anticipation. The smell of male human sweat... its been so long. I had almost forgotten the scent. The scent I currently smell. The stench of human blood.