How story begins 2

Like as I said now she was 9 months pregnant. His child was also about to be born. Now Rohit started coming to see her more .soon the day also comes when her child was about to born. They went to the nearby government hospital one day before delivery and the baby born there. The baby born was very beautiful, fair and healthy. they stay in the hospital for 2 days and after 2 days they get discharged from the hospital.

After leaving The hospital preeta again comes to her room and starts living there. Only three days she had spent with his child than his father calls him at night and he says that "this time he is coming with your mother to pay money" and they say that they are coming tomorrow.

They say that "this time no excuse will work if you have a class then you will have to take leave". Preeta gets nervous and hangs up the phone saying okay. She starts thinking that her parents have started doubting him so they want to visit her tomorrow only.

Now thinking of what has happened, she starts thinking about what to do with this child. He didn't understand anything. Different thoughts come to his mind like give him to the orphanage or leave him somewhere etc.

While Thinking it becomes night and soon morning arrives. Soon his parents were about to visit him and after a while, she gets a call from Rohit, he says your father is standing outside the door of his house and is knocking on the door. Rohit hangs up the phone and goes to open the door.

As soon as the door opens, they ask about Preeta. Rohit lies and tells them that Preeta used to live here earlier but she has just left this house because now they only give rent to the boys. Rohit tells that she has moved to another place. They ask him about her new address. Rohit tells that he asked her about the new address at the time of her departure and he tells them the address. when they got the new address they move on.

As they leave, Rohit calls Preeta again and tells her that her parents are going to her address.

Preeta gets more nervous and starts thinking about where to hide the child, then she goes outside the house with the child, there was a railway track on the side of her house. Standing on the side of the track, she thinks a lot and finally decides that she will leave him on the side of the track, she does so and soon leaves the child there and comes to her room and set up herself.

Preeta's parents had come near her room as soon as she opens the door she finds her parents at the door. Preeta smiles seeing them and calls them inside and asks them to sit. She brings water for them, after that her mother asks preeta to sit on her side and asks her why she didn't come home for so many months and didn't allow us to come.

So she smiles a little and says I didn't want to disturb you both. I know Papa(father) feels some shortness of breath so I didn't want to bother him. if he came, he would have to run to climb the train. You already know how crowded the train is these days and I could not go because my studies were going on in full swing here.

Preeta's mother says that daughter, 6 months had passed, we used to miss you a worry about you a lot. So this time we came on our own to meet you. Preeta smiles again and says what will happen to me, I am standing in front of you correctly, Preeta's mother asks her that you have become a little fat, haven't you?

Preeta then replies with a smile and says that mother I don't do much work here, and this happens if she sits here and studies. Similarly, many other talks happen between them.

After a while, Preeta's father tells her that they will leave in 1 hour as their train is only after 2 hours. Preeta says yes. One hour passes by talking and they leave for the railway station after giving him money. As they leave, Preeta runs to the side of the railway track where she had left her child. She sees that her child was not there. She feels sad that she lost her child. She prays to God for the safety of his son. she tells God that "oh God forgive me, I did not fulfil my responsibility". She also apologizes to her child and sits there crying for some time. After some time she comes back to her room and tries to forget about his child but she misses her child so much. she cries remembering him.

With passing time, she forgets about her child and pays full attention to her studies, After few days she also has a medical examination and she is also selected for it, due to which people do not even know about her past.

But this story does not end here, this story will go on and become a part of Kamal's life because the past never hides, it always comes to the fore in some form or the other, for now, Preeta's story ends here.

# This story teaches us that in our compulsion, we have to take such steps, which can push someone's life into hell.

We also saw how Preeta's boyfriend runs away from his responsibilities and puts all the blame on Preeta even though both were equally responsible for this mistake. If we have ever made a mistake, then we should also have the courage to take responsibility for that mistake.

# Many times our society becomes the cause of our sorrows, just as it has been told in this story that Preeta wanted to keep her child but due to the fear of society and family, she leaves her child.

∆∆ preeta will be the mother of one life when kamal will get his seven life after his death and at that time preeta truth will be revealed. To know about this continue reading.....

The next part will be related to kamal.