Fun fact: On my nineteenth birthday,I flew me and all my friends to celebrate in Budapest.
We were there for three days,and It's by far the best vacation I have ever been on. I drank,did drugs and it cost my parents thousands of dollars.
My point?
My point is that not one of those friends has ever checked up on me since then. People need to understand that they need to find friends for more than just drinking and partying.
I guess the friends I have now aren't so bad.
Speaking of,one of my most recent favorite friends Is half naked with her arm around me,right now.
I smile and start placing kisses along her neck,and soon enough she stirs.
She just hits my cheek and pushes me away,before turning to the other side.
I laugh and place the blanket on her,covering the line on her back that leads down to...
Shower Stefan,you need to shower.
I shake my head and walk to the bathroom to do just that.