As soon as she woke up in the morning, Gabriella didn't dare move. Her husband was still asleep, like a baby prone on his mother's body.
"Max?" the woman whispered, testing.
After a few seconds, no sound was heard. The man remained unmoved.
Knowing that her husband was comfortable with the soft pillows, Gabriella's lips automatically curled into a small curve. "You must be tired," she muttered as she touched her husband's hair.
Silently, the woman watched the details of the face under her chin. The eyes that she often looked at, were hiding behind wide eyelids. The lips that often gave her warmth, were still silent. Slowly, sadness began to vibrate in her lungs.
“I will definitely miss you so much,” Gabriella thought before swallowing hard.
A second later, she closed her eyes, trying to hold the turmoil in her chest. The plan to run away could fall apart if the man detected a signal of separation from her.