S2| 35. Stop Crying

As soon as she opened her eyes, Mia stared wide-eyed at Julian's face which was so close to hers. After a few blinks, the girl began to look around, checking the situation.

"This is my room. Why is Mr. CEO here? Is it a dream?" Mia thought before furrowing her brows deeper.

"Good morning, my wife. Do you sleep well?" Julian said, successfully making the girl flinch from contemplation.


In just an instant, the man's face turned tense. “Do you forget? We got married two years ago? You don't have amnesia from last night's accident, do you?”

Hearing such an unreasonable statement, Mia let out a faint sigh. "Amnesia? Accident?"

After leaving the secretary trapped in the maze with no way out, a laugh broke out from Julian's mouth. “Is my acting very natural? You seem to believe what I said."

"Acting?" Mia asked in a choked voice. "Wait a minute. What really happened?"