S2| 52. Zoo

With a small grimace, the secretary nodded. “Can we take Cayden to the zoo? We promise to take good care of him.”

Hearing the magical word, the baby suddenly straightened up. His round eyes gleamed at his parents. "Ju ...?"

"Right! Zoo. We can see a lot of animals there,” Julian explained with reassuring hand gestures. “You will be very happy if you go there.”

Suddenly, Cayden raised his hands high and laughed. “Ju …!”

Seeing their son's enthusiasm, Max and Gabriella looked at each other in unison. They both knew that no one had the heart to destroy the Little Prince's happiness.

After one quick breath, the woman finally said, “Don't let Cayden out of your sights. Understand?"

Having Gabriella's approval, a wide smile automatically brightened Julian's face. He didn't expect to be able to change his sister-in-law's decision so easily.

"Take it easy! Cayden is safe with us,” the CEO said with his eyebrows raised in excitement.