After pausing for the daughter to think, Minnie asked again. “How about it, Mia? Do you want to meet up?”
For three seconds, the girl's lips just trembled without a word. Knowing her daughter's doubts, the old woman let out a faint sigh. "Do you know? His fate is almost the same as yours."
"Almost the same?" Mia muttered, starting to wrinkle her brows.
"Yes. His name is Liam. He is also the son of a servant, who was educated by a kind businessman. Now, Liam works as the good man's personal assistant,” Minnie explained, successfully getting the attention of her daughter.
With a slightly downcast face, Mia pondered. "His background is similar with mine."
"Yes. Your lives are too very similar, even though he's not as lucky as you. That's why, I'm sure, he can understand you."
From under the raised eyebrows, the girl examined her mother's expression. "Why isn't he as lucky as me?" she asked slowly.