S2| 125. Reading the Future

“Are you sad for being ignored by the Little Prince?” Julian teased before placing his palm behind Mia's back, signaling the girl to follow him.

"A little. He prefers cake to me,” Mia joked before stopping in front of the man who had just gotten up from the couch.

“Would you guys still throw a party even though I haven't arrived?” Sebastian asked with his trademark lopsided smile.

Snorting a laugh, Julian reached out a hand. "Let's think this is also a welcoming party for you," he replied, shaking the hand that gripped him tightly.

"Oh, this party is multifunctional, apparently," the cousin replied while turning his gaze to the crowd around the cake. His nephew was still the center of attention there.

"Yes," Julian answered before turning the excitement off and replacing it with seriousness. "So how's your wound? Has it gotten better?”